For organizations that use Online registration only.
This option is optional and allows you to offer discounts when registering one or more participants on the same transaction.
You can add a Multiple Participant Discount OR a Postal Code Discount.
It can be configured to apply a dollar amount or a percentage to the registration fee.
No discounts can be applied to membership fees and other fees
Rules can be set to determine which participant will receive the discount
Only one type of discount is applicable per online store
Discount Page
From the Catalog / Discounts menu, you will find a list of discounts created.
From the search box, you can enter partial or full to filter the display on screen.
You can click on the directional arrows to sort by that column.
The list of discounts will be displayed.
Title - the title of the discount
Discount - the rules set up for the discount type
Expiration date - the date the discount expires on
Status - the status of the discount
To Add a Discount
Click on Discounts from the list of options under Catalog, then click Add.
Multiple Participant Discount
Fill in the required information:
Type: Select Multiple participants.
Mode: Choose the $ or % mode.
Title: Add a name to your discount
Rules: Define the rules to determine which participant you want to apply the discount to. For example, second child, third child, etc.
You must add a rule for each participant (no. 2, no. 3, etc., depending on the number of participants from the same family within your organization in the same transaction)
It is impossible to add a discount for a single participant since it is a family discount.
Expiration Date: Create an expiration date for the discount rule (if necessary).
Status: Select active or inactive status.
Click Save.
Add a Discount by Postal Code.
Select the type of discount Postal Code
Click on Edit postal codes
Enter the city where you want to offer a discount
Enter the first three characters of your city's postal code
Click on Search
All postal codes beginning with the first three characters entered will be displayed.
Select the postal codes or click on Select All if you want to add them all
Then click on Add
Mode: Choose $ or % mode.
Title: Add a name to your discount
Rules: Define the rules to determine which participant you want to apply the discount to.
If you want it to be applied to all participants in the same family, you must add a rule for each participant (#1, #2, #3, etc., depending on the number of participants in the same family in your organization)
Expiration date: Create an expiration date for the discount rule (if necessary)
Status: Select active or inactive status
Click on Save.
Add a Postal Code and Multiple Participant Discounts
Select the Postal Code discount type
Click on Edit Postal Codes
Enter the city where you want to offer a discount
Enter the first three characters of your city's postal code
Click on Search
All postal codes beginning with the first three characters entered will be displayed.
Select the postal codes or click on Select All if you want to add them all
Then click on Add
Mode: Choose the $ or % mode.
Title: Add a name to your discount
Rules: Follow this procedure to define your rules:
Apply to participant #: Indicate the amount of your postal code discount to your participant #1
Click on +Add a rule
If a family discount is applied to the 2nd participant, add the multiple participant discounts and your postal code discount together and enter the amount.
Repeat for each additional participant.
Modify Discounts
By clicking on the line of your discount, a side panel will open to your right, where you can change the title and status using the blue pencil.
However, you cannot change the expiry date. If you created a discount with an expiration date last season, you must change its status to Inactive and create a new discount for the current season.
By clicking on the Action button on the side panel, you have the option to delete it.
Note: The discount can only be removed if it is not used in online registration.
For discounts to be applied, participant registrations must be made on the same invoice (on the same online registration).
How Discounts are Calculated
Note: Discounts are only calculated on the registration portion, not the membership fee. The higher amount or percentage will be applied to the lower registration fee.
Example 1 - Discount ($)
Discount ($) for a family of three children with only the multiple participant discounts
The second child receives $50 off
The third child receives a $100 discount
Registration fees are $500, $400, and $100.
The membership fee is $46.16
Q: In this example, why did the participant not receive the full $100 discount?
A: Discounts are not calculated on the membership fee - only the registration portion, and the highest discount is applied to the lowest fee. Therefore, only $53.84 could be discounted.
Registration Fee | Membership Fee | Discounts | Calculation | Total: |
$500 | $46.16 | $0 | NA | $500 |
$400 | $46.16 | $50 | 400-46.16-50+46.16 | $350 |
$100 | $46.16 | $100 * (53.84) | 100-46.16-100+46.16 | $46.16 |
$1200 | NA | $150 | NA | $896.16 |
Example 2 - Discount ( % )
Discount using % with a Family of 3.
Second child receives 25% off
Third child receives 50% off
Registration fees: $500, $400 and $300
Membership fee is $65.16
Registration Fee | Membership Fee | Discount | Calculation | Total |
$500 | $46.16 | 0% | NA | $500 |
$400 | $46.16 | 25% | 400-(400-46.16).25 | $311.54 |
$300 | $46.16 | 50% | 300-(300-46.16).50 | $173.08 |
$1200 | NA | NA | NA | $984.62 |
Example 3 - Postal Code and Multiple Participant Discounts ($)
Cash rebate ($) for a family of three children with both the postal code and multiple participant rebates
Each child receives a $25.00 postal code discount
The second child receives a $50.00 discount
The third child receives a $100 discount
Registration fees are $500, $400, and $300.
The affiliation fee is $46.16
Registration Fees | Membership Fee | Postal Code discounts | Multiple-participant discounts | Calculation | Total |
$500 | $46.16 | $25 | $0 | 500-46.16 -25 +46,16 | $475 |
$400 | $46.16 | $25 | $50 | 400-46.16-50-25 +4616 | $325 |
$300 | $46.16 | $25 | $100 | 300-46.16-100-25 +46,16 | $175 |
1200 $ | NA | $75 | $150 | NA | $975 |
How do I add a family discount if siblings register on separate invoices?
If the family contacts you before they register the sibling, you can add a credit to the participant’s profile. If they register and let you know afterwards, you will need to give them a refund.