Team approval
This section explains the team approval process.
Request for approval by the MHA
Submit a team for approval
When an MHA has completed the addition of players, team officials and affiliated players, it may proceed to request approval from its regional or branch organization.
You can submit a team even if players and bench staff have not yet been added. However, the team's status will revert to "draft" as soon as members are added to the team book.
To submit a team for approval, click on the Action button in the team's profile. Alternatively, open the right-hand side panel by clicking on the team line in the team list, accessible via the Team menu, and then click on Action. In both cases, select the Submit for approval option.
A pop-up window will appear to confirm your request for approval. You can add a comment for your regional registrar. Click on Submit for approval.
If any information is missing from the profiles of players or officials added to your team book, a pop-up window will appear to alert you to the incomplete data. Click on the arrow on the right to display the list of members concerned, with the missing information indicated in red.
You have the option of Bypassing and Submitting for approval. The provincial organization or branch can also take this action.
Players or coaches with missing information will remain with the status Pending validation and will be displayed on the last page of your team book with the status Inactive. They will, however, count towards your total number of active players.
Note: You will need to resubmit your team for approval when the missing information is added to the member profile.
Once your request has been submitted, your team's status will change to Pending Approval and your members' status will remain Pending.
Note: If all players and team officials comply, no further windows will appear after your approval request, which will be sent directly to your regional organization for approval.
Cancel approval
To cancel a team approval request submitted to your regional or provincial organization, click on the Action button in the team profile or in the side panel of the team list, select Cancel approval.
A pop-up window will appear to confirm the cancellation of your approval request. You can add a comment for your regional registrar. Click on Cancel approval.
Follow-up on approval requests (MHA)
When your provincial or regional organization approves, refuses or cancels a team approval request, you will be notified by e-mail of the change in team status. This notification will be sent according to the parameters configured in your notifications.
To check your notification settings, please consult the Notification Management documentation.
The notification will also appear at the top of your HCR, at the bell-shaped icon. Click on it to access the team concerned by the status change.
You can also view the status of all your teams by going to the Teams menu and selecting the desired status.
The red X indicates that information is missing for some members of this team.
Regional approval
Team approval notification (region-federation)
When an association requests team approval, depending on how your notification settings are configured, you will receive an e-mail notifying you that a change in team status has been requested.
To check your notification settings, please refer to the Notification Management documentation.
The notification will also appear at the top of your HCR, at the bell-shaped icon. Click on it to access the team concerned by the status change.
You can also display all Pending Approval teams by going to the Teams menu and selecting the Pending Approval status.
The red X indicates that information is missing for some members of this team.
Team approval
To approve a team approval request submitted by your association, click on the Action button in the team profile or in the side panel of the team list, then select Approve team.
A pop-up window will appear to confirm your approval request. You can add a comment for your association. Click on Approve.
If the team book contains players and team officials whose profile information is missing, a pop-up window will appear showing the incomplete information. Simply click on the arrow to the right to display the names of the members with the missing information shown in red.
You have the option of Bypass and Approve.
Players or coaches with missing information will remain with the status Pending approval and will be displayed on the last page of the team book with the status Inactive. They will, however, count as active players.
Your association will need to resubmit a request for approval once the missing information has been completed.
The status of the team and its members will then change to Approved, except for members with missing information, for whom the status will be Pending validation.
The association that requested approval will receive an e-mail notifying them that the team has been approved.
Note: If all players and team officials comply, no further windows will appear after your approval, and your association will be notified by e-mail.
Reject team approval
To reject a team approval request submitted by your association, click on the Action button in the team profile or in the side panel of the team list, select Reject team.
A pop-up window will appear to confirm the team's rejection. You can add a comment for your association. Click on Reject.
The team's status will then change to Refused and the members' status will change to Pending.
The association that requested approval will receive an e-mail to inform them that the request has been denied.
Cancel team approval
To cancel a team approval request submitted by your association, click on the Action button in the team profile or in the side panel of the team list, select Cancel approval.The team's status will then change to Refused and the members' status will change to Pending.
The association that requested approval will receive an e-mail to inform them that the request has been denied.
A pop-up window will appear to confirm your approval request. You can add a comment for your association. Click on Cancel approval.
The team's status will then change to Draft and the members' status to Pending.
The association that requested approval will receive an e-mail to notify it that the request has been denied.
Team comments
If the association has added a comment to its request for approval, you will be able to view this comment in two ways:
In the team menu, click on the team to be approved to open the right-hand side panel and click on the Comments tab.The association that requested approval will receive an e-mail to notify it that the request has been denied.
In the team profile, click on the Team information tab and scroll down to the Team comments section.
You can also add a comment by clicking + Add or when approving or rejecting a request.