Set Playing surface Availability

Set Playing surface Availability





Setting up when your playing surface are available for the season is essential in creating your schedules. To do this, follow these steps:

Note: If you need to create practices before your leagues use your time slots for scheduling, see the Add Practice documentation to add them to your fields.

  • From the left-hand menu, click on Organizations.

  • If you have permission for more than one organization, you can narrow your search by typing in the name of your organization in the Name search box.

  • Click on the line for your organization.



  • Click on the Fields or Rink tab.

  • A list of your fields or Rink will be displayed

  • Select the field or rink you have to add availability


  • Click on availability

  • Make sure your organization's name is displayed in the upper right corner.


IMPORTANT: Set when your playing surfaces are unavailable for the following reasons: times associated with other sports, events, tournaments, and field closures.

No activities for your sport should be added during these times, including games, practices, or other activities related to your sport.


You have two options that allow you to define the days and time slots

  • Day: You can select a date or a sequence of multiple affiliate days. To select multiple consecutive days, click on the first day, hold down the Shift key on your calendar, and click on the last day; this can be in another month.

  • Multiple: Allows you to select multiple days at random and not consecutively. Select all the days you want and click on Add Time.


After selecting your days, click on +Add Time.


A window will allow you to select whether your field is available or unavailable.

  • Set this field to will not (default option) or will be available

  • Select the time

    • All day: the field is available or unavailable all-day

    • Before: enter a specific time before which the field is available or unavailable

    • Between: enter a time range for the field to be available or unavailable

    • After: enter a precise time after which the field is available or unavailable

  • Adding a note is optional

  • Click Add


The playing's surfaces availability will be displayed on the right side of the calendar - the X shows when it is unavailable, and the is for when it is available. Note: You can add multiple time slots for each day.

You will notice at the bottom right that the number of selected dates will be displayed.

Remember: If you do not save and click on other dates in the calendar, you will lose all selections made previously.









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