Add Activities

Add Activities


It is possible to add team activities in Spordle PLAY. An activity is a team event that does not take place on a field, such as a dinner, a team meeting, a starting time for a tournament, etc.

By entering this type of activity in this menu, you will not block time slots on your fields.

Click on Activities in the menu on your left.


Click on +Create at the top right.


Fill in the required fields:

Fields marked with an * are mandatory

  • Name: you can give a name to your activity

  • Type: you have three options for the type of activity:

    • Meeting

    • Meals

    • Accomodation

  • Teams: indicate the team name(s) for which you are adding an activity.

  • Location: indicate the location where the activity will take place

  • Start time: indicate the start time of the activity

  • End time: indicate the end time of the activity

  • Status: by default, the status is Active, but you can change it.

  • Time zone: this will be selected by default according to the added terrain

  • Frequency:

    • Do not repeat: select this option if it is a one-time activity

    • Daily: select this option if it is an activity that takes place every day

    • Weekly: Select this option if the activity occurs weekly.

    • Monthly: select this option if the activity occurs every month

  • Interval: indicate the interval of the activities

    • Daily: 1 every day, 2 every other day, 3 every day, etc.

      Weekly: 1 every week, 2 every other week, 3 every three weeks, etc.

      Monthly: 1 every month, 2 every other month, 3 every three months, etc.

  • Days of the week: you can indicate the day(s) of the week when the activities will take place

  • End date: enter the end date of the activity frequency. Not applicable if you select the option Do not repeat.

  • Comments: you can enter a comment about this activity.

    After entering the frequency, interval, etc., the number of recurrences will be displayed, allowing you to validate your data.


Click on Save at the bottom left.


A window will appear with your activity information, you can make changes by clicking on Edit at the top right.


The list of all your activities will be displayed in the Activities page, you can search for activities using the search filters on the left.

  • Scheduled date: date of the activity

  • End date: end date of the activity

  • Team: Select the teams you are looking for from the drop-down menu

  • Organization: select the organizations you are looking for from the drop-down menu

  • Type: select the type of activity you are looking for

    • Meeting

    • Meals

    • Lodging

  • Status: select the status of the activity

  • View past activities: allow you to view past activities.

You can save your search filters by clicking on My Searches and specifying a name for this search. This will be added at the bottom of the filter column. You will only have to click on it to do your search quickly according to the configuration of the selected filters.

You can also export the list of your activities by clicking on Export at the top right. A CSV file will then be downloaded. If you do not know how to convert a CSV file, please consult the documentation Convert a CSV file to an XLS file (EXCEL)


To modify an activity, simply click on the line of the activity. We suggest you click on the date, do not click on a blue link.


Click on Edit at the top right or on Edit (activity type) at the bottom left.


Make the desired changes to the activity and click Save at the bottom left.



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