Post-Match Management (Baseball)
Before each match, you need to confirm the line-up of your players and coaches. These steps must be carried out in Spordle PLAY.
Depending on your organization, this task is done by the coach or the scorekeeper. Please contact your organization to verify by whom this task should be done.
Adding Jersey Numbers
For your very first game of the season, we suggest that you add the jersey numbers of your players to your team, so that you don't have to add them for every game.
To do so, click on Teams in the left-hand menu.
Click on your team to access its profile
Click on the Team book tab at the top of the page
All your players will be displayed
Click on the jersey number line for each player to add their jersey number (do not click on the blue link, the player's name).
It's possible that the jersey numbers are already indicated, as your organization may have added the jersey numbers in Spordle ID. If this is the case, simply check that the correct numbers are indicated and make any necessary changes.
Enter the player's jersey number
Click on Save
If you wish, you can also indicate whether the player is a team captain by checking the appropriate box.
Select all your players to add jersey numbers. If a player changes jersey during a game, you'll be able to change the number in the game line-up.
Alignment Management
To confirm the line-up before your game, log in to Spordle PLAY and click on Game in the left-hand menu. All your games will be displayed, and you can use the filters on the left to refine your search.
Select Game
Click on the icon to the right of the game whose alignment you wish to confirm
Selecting Players and Reserves
Select the players present at the game by ticking each of them to the left of their names, and also tick the coaches present.
If you need to add a reserve player who is not on your roster, click on +Add Extra.
Type the first letters of the player's first name and select it
Indicate his position (select A)
Enter the player's jersey number
Click on Save at bottom right
Don't forget to tick this player to add him to your line-up.
Strike Order and Jersey Number
To indicate the batting order of your players or to modify a jersey number, click on the pencil to the right of its name.
A window will appear allowing you to indicate the batting order of your players and to modify the jersey number.
When finished, click Update.
Signature of Alignment (Approval)
Once you've selected all the players, their batting order and the coaches who will be lining up for your match, click on Sign in the bottom left-hand corner of the page.
Select the coach or marker who signs and approves the alignment
Sign with your mouse or finger in the space under the trainer's name
Click on Save at bottom right
Then click Save to save your alignment and approval.
Click on the X at the top right of the page, and your alignment is now complete.
If you are a scorer, you must complete these steps for both teams