Games not completed (Soccer)

Games not completed (Soccer)

For uncompleted games, here's the main objective:

  • Keep the cartons that occurred in the game.

  • Keep referees assigned so you can pay them.

  • Remove goals, do not count them in personal stats.

  • Do not count this game as a game played for each team.


Steps to follow in PLAY right now: (2023)

This is not the final product, but the whole concept is still to be improved.

  • The referee enters his scoresheet and mentions that the game was not played in full.

  • The league goes into the scoresheet and Disapproves the game.

  • The league then removes all goals from the scoresheet.

  • The league then goes to the game summary, selects "Modify game and changes the game number by adding an "NC-" in front of the number.

  • The league then changes the status from Active to Postponed.

  • The league will then create a new game in the league schedule.

  • The league will set the original number, set the same teams, and find a date/time/field.

  • This game will now be available for assigning referees.



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