Clinic menu and profile
Click here for a Video on Creating and Managing a Clinic
- 1 Clinic Menu
- 2 Clinic profile page
- 2.1 Clinic Status
- 2.2 Link to the clinic
- 2.3 Action Button
- 2.4 Tabs in the clinic
- 2.5 Overview Tab
- 2.6 Attendees Tab
- 2.7 Waitlist Tab
- 3 Detailed attendees tabs
- 4 Attendees side panel
- 4.1 Details Tab
- 4.2 Member Tab
- 4.3 Questionnaire Tab
- 5 Action button in attendees
- 5.1 Certify a Participant
- 5.2 Apply a Payment
- 5.3 Refund
- 5.4 Crediting the Invoice
- 5.5 Sync Progress
- 5.6 Cancel Attendee
- 5.7 Transfer Clinic
- 5.8 Resend Invoice
- 5.9 Resend Invoice with Receipt
- 5.10 Send Communications
- 5.11 Open in Quick View
- 6 Attendees selection
Clinic Menu
Filters in your clinic list
From the Manage / Clinics menu, the display page will show you the clinics created for the season.
You can search by organization or by clinic status.
Note: By default, the following statuses are selected: Draft, Visible to the public, Open registration, Private and Closed by instructor. To display courses with Closed or Cancelled status, you must select them manually from the Status drop-down menu.
However, if you want more filter options, click the More Filters button in the bottom right-hand corner for an extended search.
The filters display the following options:
Date range
clinic format
Online - On demand
Online - Live
In person
To clear the filter history, click on clear.
Information in your clinic list
You can search for a clinic by entering its HCR number in the search box and sort the list by clicking the directional arrows next to each header title.
The following headings will be displayed:
Clinic ID: The number assigned to each clinic
Clinic Name: The name you have given to this clinic
Status: The status of the clinic
Start Date: The date the clinic will start on
Format: The format for the clinic - online - recorded/on-demand, online - live, or in-person
Attendees: The number of participants registered for the clinic
Host organization: The organization that is running the clinic
You can click on one of the blue clinic links to access the clinic profile page for more details.
Side panel in the clinic list
If you click on a clinic line (not the blue link), a side panel will open to your right, displaying the Details and Attendees tabs.
Details Tab
In the Details tab, you will see the following information:
The number of registered participants
The number of pending participants
The category
The qualification
The Clinic Status
Contact person
The contact person and the clinic instructor
Session details
Attendee Tab
In the Attendee tab, the following information will be displayed:
List of registered attendee
Participant search box
Provides quick access to a member's profile and training attendee record
List of waitlisted attendee
A blue check mark with the word Paid indicates attendees who have paid for the clinic.
By selecting the blue link corresponding to attendee's number, you will be redirected to his or her profile page.
Clicking on View list in the clinic will take you to the Clinic attendee tab.
The Action button on the side panel of a clinic lets you perform the following actions:
Duplicate the clinic (see documentation Duplicate a clinic or clinic participants)
Delete the clinic (consult the documentation Delete a clinic)
Clicking on Go to Profile will take you to the clinic Overview tab.
Duplicate a clinic or clinic participants
By selecting the Duplicate option in the Action menu, you can copy the information from your clinic, or also include registered attendee.
When you click on Duplicate, you are presented with two options:
Duplicate this clinic
The complete profile of the selected clinic will be copied.
Once the clinic has been duplicated, you can update and confirm the original information by following the same procedure as for creating a new clinic.
Please note that it is not possible to modify the category and qualification of the duplicated clinic.
Duplicate this clinic with participants
The clinic profile and all registered attendees will be copied.
Once the clinic and its attendees have been duplicated in a new clinic, you can update and confirm the original information by following the same procedure as for creating a new clinic.
Please note that it is not possible to modify the category and qualification of the duplicated course.
Duplicating a clinic with attendees is useful when the clinic has been cancelled and needs to be rescheduled at a later date, while keeping the same registered attendees.
Delete a clinic
It is possible to delete a clinic created by mistake, provided no attendee is registered for it. To do so:
Go to Manage > Clinic.
Select the right clinic to open the side panel.
In the Action menu, choose Delete.
The clinic will then be deleted and will no longer appear in your clinics lists.
Clinic profile page
Clinic Status
When you click on a clinic's HCR number or after you've created your clinic, you'll be taken to the clinic's profile page. The following information will be displayed at the top of the page:
You can see the clinic number indicated by the red arrow on the left and the status indicated by the red box on the right. You must select an option from the drop-down list to change the status of your clinic.
The following statuses are available:
Draft: The clinic is a draft, and no participants will be able to register.
Visible to public: The clinic is visible but not yet open for registration.
Registration open: The clinic is open to all participants from your organization only.
Closed: The clinic is no longer available and is closed.
Private: The clinic is private, and participants must have the link to register. It will not appear on the organization's public page.
Cancel: The clinic has been canceled by the organization.
Link to the clinic
At the top of the clinic profile page, two icons take you to your clinic link.
Opens the public link to your clinic
Allows you to copy the public link of your clinic to add it to your social networks.
Action Button
The Action button at the top of your clinic profile page allows you to take the following actions:
See as guest
This option lets you view your clinic in the same way as your users.
This option allows you to duplicate your clinic or the participants registered for it. For more information, please consult the documentation Duplicate a clinic or clinic attendees.
Advanced Settings
This option lets you adjust the visibility parameters and select the organizations that will be able to participate at your clinic.
Visibility: you can set your clinic status to be updated at a date and time of your choice by clicking on +Add a status change.
Organizations: Select the organizations that can access your clinic by clicking View tree.
When finished, click on Save
Sync Progress
This option allows you to manually update the results of all participants in a clinic that uses an external provider such as Moodle and for which a passing grade has been added.
To delete a clinic, no participants must be registered.
Tabs in the clinic
In your clinic, you have three tabs:
Waiting List
Overview Tab
This tab contains the information completed in the five sections when creating your clinic. You can always modify your clinic information by clicking on Edit in the top right-hand corner of each section. However, if you change the clinic after receiving registrations, you must manually correct your participants' registrations.
Attendees Tab
Once your clinic is open for registrations, you can see the registered participants on the Participants tab.
For more details on this tab, see the Detailed Attendees Tabs documentation.
Note: Members who do not have an HCR profile can register by creating a new profile and selecting the MHA to which they belong.
At the end of the registration process, a new HCR number will be created, the member will be displayed as a new member, and will be added to the list of your clinic participants.
Waitlist Tab
If you added a waiting list when you created your clinic, participants who have registered on the waiting list will be displayed in this tab.
Please refer to the documentation Create a Clinic- Attendees for more details on adding a waiting list to your clinic registration.
If a spot becomes available, click on the attendee to open the right-side panel, click on the Action button, and then click on Add as Attendee.
The attendee will receive an email notifying them that a spot has opened up and that they can now register. A link will be available so the attendee can finalize and pay for his registration in My Account.
The attendee's status will change to Waiting for client, and when the member completes registration, the status will change to Converted.
If there is no space available, click on the participant to open the right-side panel, click on the Action button, and then on Cancel. The system will ask you the reason for the cancellation so that the participant can be notified by email.
If a spot becomes available after you have refused a member, you always have the option of resetting their status by clicking on the Action button and then on Reset status, allowing you to add them as attendee.
Detailed attendees tabs
Attendee filters
You can search for participants using the filters available in the Attendees tab. You can filter according to the following search criteria:
Show only unconfirmed
Show only cancelled
Paid Status
Not Paid
Attended Status
Not Attended
Passed Status
Not Passed
Attendees search
You can use the Search box to find a specific participant registered in this clinic.
Print the list of attendees
To obtain an Excel list of the participants in your clinic, click on the download arrow and select the report in Excel or CSV.
Attendees side panel
By clicking on the line of one of the participants, a side panel will open on your right, where you can see the participant's information in the clinic. You will find the following tabs:
Details Tab
In the Details tab, information concerning the participant's attendance and success can be modified using the pencil. You'll also see the participant's progress (if the clinic uses an external supplier), the participant's registration date, and payment information.
Member Tab
This tab will display certain information about the member from their profile.
Gender identity
Primary Language
Secondary Language
Emergency contact
Questionnaire Tab
If a questionnaire has been created for your clinic, the questionnaire responses will be displayed in this tab.
Action button in attendees
The Action button on a participant's side panel lets you perform the following actions:
Certify a Participant
Depending on your roles and permissions, you have the option to certify the qualification of a member.
Apply a Payment
If the participant is paying offline, you can apply the payment for the clinic by clicking on Apply Payment.
A pop-up window will open, asking you to enter the payment date, payment method, amount paid, and an internal note (optional).
You must select one of the following manual payment methods:
Manual Interac transfer
External payment (payment from an external terminal)
Offline credit (can be applied to future payments)
Member credit (apply an existing credit in the member's file)
Once you've entered your details, click on Confirm.
You can refund the amount paid by the participant if he decides to cancel the clinic or for any other reason. To do so, click Refund and, in the pop-up window that opens, complete the required fields:
Refund amount
The maximum refund amount will be indicated in blue.
You may refund less than the amount paid if you wish to keep any charges.
Payment method
Internal note (visible to administrators only) - Optional
External note (visible to the customer) - Optional
Click Confirm
The system will ask you if you want to cancel the attendee linked to this transaction. If so, click on Cancel Attendee.
If you click on Cancel Attendee, another window will open, allowing you to cancel this member's participation in the clinic. Indicate the reason and click on Submit.
You can confirm the cancellation to the member by clicking on Send Communication in the last refund window.
Crediting the Invoice
If a clinic is cancelled or its time slots changed, attendees can choose to withdraw. If there is a balance to be refunded to an attendee and you wish to credit it, simply click on Credit Invoice.
You can add an internal note (visible to administrators only) and an external note (visible to the customer).
Sync Progress
This option allows you to manually update the selected participant's progress for a clinic that uses an external provider, such as Moodle, for which a passing grade has been added.
Cancel Attendee
To cancel a member's participation in your clinic, click on Cancel Attendee, enter the reason for cancellation, and click Submit.
You can confirm the cancellation to the member by clicking Send Communication in the last refund window.
The member's side panel will display the canceled member's participation. In addition, the member will be crossed out from the list of clinique participants.
Transfer Clinic
If a participant needs to change the clinic for which they are registered, you can transfer their registration to another clinic.
The following warning message will be displayed. Please note that you can't cancel or close the window after starting this process.
Click on Next.
A list of available clinics will be displayed. Select the clinic to which you want to transfer the participant. You can simplify your search by filtering by clinic category and qualification.
Click on Select.
A window indicating the date and time of registration will appear, click Next.
A message confirming the complete transfer will be displayed, and the member will be automatically transferred from the clinic.
Resend Invoice
By clicking on Resend Invoice, only the invoice for the cost will be emailed to the participant.
Resend Invoice with Receipt
By clicking on Resend Invoice with Receipt, the invoice stating the cost of the clinic, and receipt showing the payments made will be emailed to the participant.
Send Communications
This option allows you to send a message to your clinic participants. Please refer to the Communications - Section Clinics documentation for more information.
Open in Quick View
This option allows you to open a participant’s profile in a pop up window.
Attendees selection
By ticking all participants to the right of their names, a side panel opens on the right. You can make multiple batches of actions for all selected members by clicking on the Action button.
Update presence status
This option allows you to indicate the presence of all selected participants.
Update results
This option lets you indicate the results for all selected participants.
Sync Progress
This option allows you to manually update the selected participant's progress for a clinic that uses an external provider, such as Moodle, for which a passing grade has been added.
Cancel batch attendees
This option enables you to cancel participation in a clinic for all selected participants.
Resend invoices to all participants
Allows you to resend invoices to all selected participants
Resend invoices with receipts to all
This option allows you to resend the invoice and receipt to all selected participants.
Send a message to all
This option allows you to send a message to all selected participants.
Open all member profiles in quick view
This option allows you to open the profile of each selected participant without leaving the clinic profile page.