Creating A Clinic
In this section you will be able to set up clinics for all of our participants within the HCR 3.0 system. Clinics can be directed for a targeted group, or open to the public for registration.
Getting Started
To access the clinic section, click on clinics from the side panel on the left:
From the dashboard, you can view general information about the clinics that have been created.
You can begin a simple search with the following criteria or you can click on the “more filters” button in the bottom right corner for an expanded search
Once you expand the filters, the other options will appear:
Creating a new clinic
To create a new clinic: Click on +Create Clinic located in the top right corner to get started.
Note: If you have a started creating a clinic, but it is not complete, you will see this message. You can continue creating your previous clinic or you can choose to create a new one:
For a clinic to be made active, all 5 steps must be complete
1. Clinic Information
2. Session Information
3. Communications
4. Payment Options
5. Review.
Step 1 - Clinic Information
The clinic information section is broken down into five sections:
Host organization
Clinic info
Note: To create a Hockey University Clinic - click here for user guide
Host Organization
Set the host organization for the association that is running the event. Depending on your role and your permissions within the HCR, you may have multiple options in the dropdown. If you are a member branch, you will see your level and all the MHA organizations below you. If you are an MHA, you will only see your organization.
Clinic Information
There are 5 categories that a clinic can be created under - Coach, General, Official, Specialty Skills and Instructor. Each category has a different corresponding color to help us identify the category type on both our end and our participants end.
Once you select the category, the qualification drop down will automatically populate and you can select your qualifications for the category. For this example, I have chosen coach and therefore my qualification choices populate for a coach.
Note: *HU is for Hockey University Courses
This section is where you can add a prerequisites for a clinic. To add a prerequisite by clicking on one of the areas indicated by the red arrows. You can also manage the mandatory prerequisites by clicking on the drop down referenced by the purple arrow.
When you click to add a prerequisite, a new box will open and auto populate with choices. The box looks like this and you can make your selection using the dropdown.
The attendees section allows you to manage who can participate and set different parameters such as the number of attendees, their age and if the participant needs to have a valid criminal record check.
The description section gives you place to enter text (optional) . Note: you can format the text by choosing from the options indicated by the red box.
Step 2 - Session(s) Information
The session information section is broken down into three sections:
Contact (s)
In this section you can add a contact for the clinic. You can add a contact that is someone other than your self my clicking +add a contact as indicated by the red arrow. You can also add yourself as the contact as indicated by the purple arrow.
If you choose to add a contact other than yourself, you need to fill out the next set of information. We even had a find contact button as indicated by the red arrow.
Instructor (s)
In this section you can add a clinic instructor. You can add an instructor that is someone other than your self my clicking +add an instructor as indicated by the red arrow. You can also add yourself as the instructor as indicated by the purple arrow.
If you choose to add an instructor other than yourself, you need to fill out the next set of information. We even had a find contact button as indicated by the red arrow.
Session (s)
In this section you can build the session plan for our clinic. You can add a session by clicking on one of the +add buttons as indicated by the red arrows.
Once you click to add a session, a new box will appear to create your sessions. We have a variety of options to choose from and have the help of google to find your address. You can start tying and choose your address when it comes up.
Step 3 - Communications
The communications section is broken down into three sections:
Registration communication
Confirmation email
In this section, we can attach any terms and conditions, questionnaires and waivers for your clinic. These all should be created in the catalog section which you can quickly view by clicking here. Note: You can only add one term and condition, one questionnaire and many waivers.
Registration confirmation
The registration confirmation section is where we can add any text once a clinic has been registered for. This is mandatory and we have many formatting options as indicated by the red box. We will also be able to add an attachment once that functionality has been developed.
Confirmation email
The confirmation email section is where we can add any text once a clinic has been registered for. This is mandatory and we have many formatting options as indicated by the red box. We will also be able to add an attachment once that functionality has been developed.
Step 4 - Payment Option(s)
The payment options section is broken down into two sections:
Clinic Items
Payment methods
Clinic fees
In this section you can add Items or courses that can be purchased for the clinic or needs to be completed for this clinic. We can do this by clicking on the add buttons as indicated by the red arrows.
Once you click on the add button, another box will open and we have a dropdown to choose our options from. There is even a checkbox to make these items mandatory.
To create a new clinic item: Click Create and add item. You can choose to make it a mandatory item, and if tax will be applied.
Payment methods
In this section you can add the payment methods that will accepted. The dropdown is connected to your merchant account and you can checkoff the box to determine which forms of payments will be accepted.
Step 5 - Review
The review section is where we take a final check at all of the clinic sections that we have created.
If you need to make any changes, you can click on the blue edit button located in the top right of each section to make any changes you deem are necessary.
Once you have reviewed all of the clinic information, you can click on the create clinic button at the bottom of the page. Your clinic will be created as a draft and you will need to make it active.
Clinic Status
Once your clinic has been created, you will be taken to the clinic page and see this image at the top:
You can see the clinic number as indicated by the red arrow on the left and the status indicated by the red arrow on the right. You need to select the option from the dropdown to make your clinic active.
You will have two tabs: Overview and Attendees. The overview tab will have all the clinic information in those five individual sections that you just created. You will still be able to edit the clinic however it is important to note that once you have participants register, you would have to manually fix their registrations if you make any edits to the clinic. Once your clinic is active, you will be able to see the participants who registered under the attendees tab.
Draft: The clinic is a draft and no participants will be able to register.
Private: The clinic is private and participants need to have the link to register. it will not appear on the organization’s public page.
Open to the public: The clinic open to the public in your organization.
Open registration: The clinic is open for any participant to register even if they aren’t part of your organization.
Once your clinic is created, you can go back into the clinics section and use the search bar to find your clinic by number:
Advanced Setting
From the advanced settings, you will be able to adjust the Visibility settings and select which organizations will be able register for this clinic.
To edit the advance settings, click on the gear.
Within the Visibility section, you can set the status for your clinic to update on a selected date and time. You will be be to change the status from Draft, Private, Open to public or Open registration.
To select the organizations, click on the tree and check the region, or organization.
Participant Registration
In order for a participant to register to a clinic, please click here and view our participant guide.