Add Credits

To add a credit to a member, click on +Add a Credit


  • Choose a credit categories from the drop down options

  • Enter the dollar amount

  • Adding an expiration date is optional

    • It is possible to change the expiration date of the credit in the side panel

  • Select the credit status (active or inactive)

    • When the credit is set to active, the credit will automatically be added to an online registration.

  • Putting a note on the credit is optional

  • Click on Add


For a credit to be used, it must be applied to a transaction. This can be done in 2 ways:

Online Registration: When an active credit is listed on a member's profile before online registration, the member can apply the credit during registration.

Note: if a credit is applied during an online registration, the credit can not be removed from the transaction.

Applied Manually: If the credit was not added prior to the member's online registration, it is possible to apply a credit to a transaction manually.

To Apply a Credit:

  • Click on the line item for the registration that you want to apply the credit to.

  • From the side panel, click on Actions, and select Apply Payment

  • Choose Member Credit as the method of payment

  • Select the credit and click Confirm


If the transaction was paid in full on the member's credit card and a credit was subsequently added, it will not be possible to refund the credit to the member's card. The credit will have to be reimbursed by a manual payment method (cheque, bank transfer, etc.).

If the transaction was paid by installments by a credit card, you will need to edit the installment to an off line payment method before you can apply the credit.

Refund a Credit: You can then refund the credit to the member by following these step:

  • Click on the credit transaction line. In the right side panel click on Action

  • Click on Refund

  • You then select the method of refunding the credit

  • You can enter an internal note (visible only to administrators) and an external note (visible on the member's invoice)

  • Then click on Confirm.

Note: A credit is not attached to a transaction. Therefore, if you refund a credit, it is only for transaction history only (if you select credit card for the method of the refund, it does not refund the credit card on file)