Note: This function is available depending on your roles and permissions. This permission may be granted by your provincial organization.
This option lets you create member positions available to your organization.
Position display page
A list of all positions already created from the menu Setting - Teams - Positions will be displayed. The following information will be displayed, and you click on the arrow in each column if you wish to change the sorting order.
French position name
English position name
Position Abbreviation
Position Group
Position status
Red X indicates inactive
The blue check mark indicates active
Add a position
To add a position, click +Add on the right.
A new window will appear. Please fill in the required information:
The * indicates a mandatory field.
* French position name
* English position name
* Position Abbreviation
* Position Group → See note below
* Position status
Click on Add.
Note: the position group must first have been created. For more information, see Parameters - Teams - Position group.
Modify a position
To modify a position, click on the position line to open the side panel. Use the blue pencil to make the desired changes.
Delete a position
To delete a position, click on the position line to open the side panel. Click on the Action button and select Delete.