Branchs - Regions/Districts - Creating a clinic

This page presents the documentation related to the creation of a clinic.


Create a Clinic

To create a clinic, click the Manage menu and select Clinics.



To start, click +Create a clinic in the top right-hand corner.


Note: You will see this message if you have started creating a clinic but are incomplete. You can continue creating your previous clinic or choose to create a new one.



To activate a clinic, all five steps must be completed

  1. Clinic Information

  2. Session(s) Information

  3. Communications

  4. Payment Option(s)

  5. Review

Step 1 - Information About the Course


IMPORTANT: No changes can be made in the Clinic Information section once you create a clinic linked to the Hockey Canada Learning Lab. If you made a mistake when creating your clinic in this section, you must create it again.


The clinic information section is divided into five parts:

  1. Host organization

  2. Clinic info

  3. Prerequisites

  4. Attendees

  5. Description


Host Organization

Define the host organization that organizes the event. Depending on your role and permissions within HCR, you may have several options in the drop-down list. If you are a member of a regional organization, you will see your level and all local organizations below you. If you are a local organization, you will only see your organization.


Clinic Information

Select the type of qualification:

  • Official qualification

  • Qualification or clinic from the host organization


Category *: select the category of your clinic.


Qualification *: Once you've selected the category, the qualifications drop-down menu will appear automatically, allowing you to select your qualifications.

Description: You cannot modify the description if Hockey Canada manages the qualification. It comes from the qualification created by Hockey Canada.

Name: The clinic name can be changed and renamed as you wish.

External Course *: if an external provider, such as Hockey Canada Learning Lab, has been associated with this qualification by Hockey Canada, you must select the training content. The selection of these choices comes from the configuration made by Hockey Canada.



  • Select one of the following three options:

    • No Expiration: the qualification was always active and never expired.

    • Fixed Period: if you select this type of expiry, the system will automatically expire the qualification according to the parameters entered. This is why you must complete the Duration field.

      • Duration *: Indicate how many years the qualification will expire. The qualification will expire after the number of years entered, starting from the date it was obtained.

  • Fixed Date: If you select this expiry type, the system automatically expires the qualification according to the parameters entered. This is why you must complete the Duration and Date fields.

    • * Duration: Indicate how many years the qualification will expire.

    • * Date: enter a fixed date (month and year) when the qualification will expire and after the years you have entered. The qualification will expire after the years entered on your indicated fixed date.




To add a prerequisite, click on + Add a group. Then, you select the prerequisites for your clinics from the drop-down list and choose whether they are All mandatory or At least one mandatory.

 You can select multiple qualifications and indicate them as a prerequisite

  • At least one mandatory: This option allows you to combine several qualifications, including those considered equivalencies; your participants must have at least one of them to register.

  • All Mandatory: This option allows you to select one or more qualifications; your participants must have all of them to register.




The attendee's section allows you to manage who can participate in your clinic and define different parameters such as the number of attendees, their age, the waiting list, and if the participant needs valid background checks.


Attendees Types

Please leave the Attendee Type blank if this clinic is open to participants without a member type.



Attendees Requirements

Indicate the minimum and maximum number of participants for your clinic. If you don't add a minimum or maximum number, your clinic's capacity will be unlimited.


Age Requirements

Indicate the minimum and maximum age for participants to register for your clinic. If you don't specify a minimum or maximum age, all participants can register, regardless of age.


Waiting List

If you have added a maximum number of participants, you can add a waiting list. This option will allow members who wish to participate in this clinic to register on a waiting list even though it is fully booked. You can then add them as participants if you increase the number of participants in your clinic or if another participant cancels.


Background Checks

By selecting this option, all participants registered for this clinic must have a valid background check before registration.



In addition, if Hockey Canada has defined a description for this qualification, it will be added above your description when the participant registers online.

Note: you can format the text by choosing from the options in the red box.

You can click on Next to move on to step 2 in creating your clinic.



Step 2 - Session(s) Information


The session information section is broken down into three sections:

  1. Contact(s)

  2. instructor(s)

  3. Session(s)



In this section, you must add a contact person for the clinic. You can add a contact who is not yourself by clicking on +Add a contact, as indicated by the red arrow, or you can add yourself as a contact, as indicated by the purple arrow.


If you choose to add a contact other than yourself, you must fill in the following information, either the first and last name or the HCR number, and click on Search to find the desired contact.


 After selecting your contact, the system will ask you for the following information:

  • Email *

  • Phone number

  • Visibility of the contact

    • Show all information

    • Hide email and phone number

    • Hide all information

  • If this is the same contact who gives the training, you can add him as an instructor by checking the box Also add as an instructor.

  • To receive notification of each new registration, check the box. Notify the contact for new registrations.

  • Then, you can click on Add.


A side panel will appear when you click on the contact. You can modify the contact's information by clicking on the blue pencil. You can also click on Action and Remove this contact from your clinic.




For further information on managing an instructor's clinic, please consult My Account - Manage - Clinic documentation.


In this section, you can add the instructor for your clinic. You can add an instructor who is not yourself by clicking on Add an Instructor as indicated by the red arrow. You can also add yourself as an instructor, as indicated by the purple arrow.


If you choose to add a contact other than yourself, you must fill in the following information: the first and last name or the HCR number; you can click Search to find the desired contact.


Once you have selected your instructor, you must complete the following fields:

  • Email *

  • Phone number

  • Visibility of the contact

    • Show all information

    • Hide email and phone number

    • Hide all information

  • Then, you can click on Add.


The system will then ask you to link the instructor's account. If an account is already created, the system will show you the available accounts. If no account is linked, you must Create a new account to link the instructor to an account. Once completed, click Next.


You also have the option to Skip the link.


Afterwards, you can give the instructor access to your clinic. Here are the possible accesses for an instructor:

  • No access: The instructor does not have access to the clinic

  • Read only: The instructor will only be able to see and print the list of participants in a clinic

  • Read and Edit: The instructor will be able to see and print the list of participants in a clinic and will also be able to confirm the presence and success of the participant.






In this section, you can build the session plan for our clinic. You can add a session by clicking on one of the +Add a session buttons, as indicated by the red arrows.


Once you have clicked on +Add Session, a new window will appear to create your sessions.

You must first select the language in which the clinic is offered at the top right.

You will be presented with three options for the training clinic:

  • In-person: The clinic is in person; you must indicate the address, date, time, and duration and add a note if desired (this option is optional).

  • Online - Live: The clinic occurs online at a specific date and time. You must indicate the URL link, the date, the time, and the duration and add a note if desired (this option is optional).

  • Online - Recorded/On Demand: The clinic is held online and can be done by the participant at a time that is most convenient for them but before the deadline. You must indicate the URL link, the start and end date and time, and the duration, and add a note if desired (this option is optional)

Add a note: you can add a note or information for the participant.

You can click Next to proceed to step 3.




Step 3 - Communications

The communications section is broken down into three sections:

  1. Questionnaires

  2. Registration communication

  3. Confirmation email


In this section, you can attach any terms and conditions, questionnaires, and waivers for your clinic. These all should be created in the catalog section, which you can quickly view by clicking here.

The Terms and Conditions are mandatory; the questionnaire and the waivers are optional.


  • Terms and Conditions: this is usually your refund policy or the conditions of participation in your clinic. Participants must check that they accept the payment conditions during the online registration.

  • Questionnaire: Adding a questionnaire with specific questions may be helpful in obtaining more information about participants. The participant will have to answer the questions during the registration process. You also have the option of making your questions mandatory.

    • For example, if you're offering tracksuits to your participants, you could ask them for the size they'd like; if dinner is included with multiple choices, you could ask them for their choice of menu, etc.

    • You can export questionnaire responses by going to the Report menu and selecting the Questionnaire Report. Questions are also displayed in the Participant tab of your clinic; click on a participant to open the side panel and select the Questionnaire tab.

  • Waivers: you can add exemptions to your clinic. Exemptions enable you to obtain a participant's agreement or disagreement on a specific situation, rules, or any other element associated with the risk of the activity.

    • Hockey Canada and your branch create many exemptions, so we suggest you contact them to ensure you don't ask the same question twice.

    • You could add, for example, a waiver on a coach's code of ethics if the clinic is for a coach or a waiver on any of your organization's rules.

    • You can export responses to waivers by going to the Report menu and selecting the Waivers report. Waiver signatures will also be displayed in the Participant tab of your clinic; click on a participant to open the side panel and select the Details tab. Waivers are displayed at the bottom of this page.



Registration Confirmation

The registration confirmation section is where you can add a text confirming the member's registration for the clinic. This message will be displayed at the end of the member's registration process. This text is mandatory, and you have various formatting options. It is also possible to add an attachment to the message.


Confirmation Email

In the confirmation email section, you can add a mandatory message that the member will receive by email after completing their clinic registration. You have various formatting options, and you can also add an attachment to the message.

For example, an attachment can be used to add a PDF file of a practical exam the participant has to take or a PDF file of a survey that the participant can fill in at the end of the clinic.



You can click Next to proceed to step 4.



Step 4 - Payment Option(s)


The payment options section is broken down into two sections:

  1. Clinic Items

  2. Payment methods


Clinic Items

In this section, you can add clinic items (expenses related to your clinic). These expenses must be added to your clinic. Add clinic items by clicking the +Add buttons, as the red arrows indicate.

You can also add optional fees, but you must add at least one of the mandatory clinic fees.

The registration fee for a clinic could be a mandatory clinic fee.

You can add optional clinic items such as lunch or the purchase of a sweater.

Creating your clinic articles in advance in the Catalog menu is also possible by selecting Clinic Items.

If your clinic is free and no fees apply, you can create a $0 item, but you must make it mandatory.


Once you have clicked the +Add button, another window will open. In this window, you can choose your options from the drop-down list. There is also a checkbox to make these items mandatory.

To create a new clinic item, you can click on Create and add an item. You can make the item mandatory and indicate that taxes will be applied. 




Payment Methods

This section allows you to add the payment methods you wish to accept. The drop-down list is connected to your merchant account, and you can check the boxes to determine which manual payment methods will be accepted.

You must select at least one payment method, even if your clinic is free and the amount is $0.00.

When finished, click Next to proceed to step 5.



Step 5 - Review


The final step is to review all the information for your clinic.


If you need to make any changes, click the blue edit button in the upper right corner of each section.

 Once you have reviewed the clinic information, click the Create Clinic button at the bottom of the page. Your clinic will be created as a draft, and you must make it active for members to register.