Members - History
In the members history tab, you will find Background Checks, Transfers, Insurance, Suspensions, Appeals, and Member Status Changes.
Background Check
Important (Soccer Québec): for a member's profile to be validated by ARS, the background check must have the status Pending or Completed.
Member profiles whose documents are not valid and approved by the club will not be displayed in the list of members to be validated by the ARS.
The list of background checks that are on file will be displayed.
Created By: The name of the organization that made the addition to the file and the date it was added will be displayed here, as well as the last date it was updated.
Type: The type of verification - background check, vulnerable sector (VSC), or reporting.
Valid on: The date the background check was entered
Expires at: The date on which it expires. Note: The validity period for each type of registration is defined by the provincial or regional organization in the settings menu.
Status: The status of verification is: pending, completed, expired, denied
Add a Background Check
Click + Add on the right.
Complete the required fields:
Valid on: Date added to member file
Status: You can select the following statuses:
Pending: You have not yet received the verification response.
Completed: You have received the verification response.
Expired: The background check has expired
Refused: The background check has been received and is prevented. The member will be automatically blocked.
Member type: Select the type of member for which you are verifying
Type: Select Criminal Record Check
Updating or Deleting a Background Check Request
To update a verification, click on the line to open the side panel and use the blue pencil to update.
For soccer, only you can change the validity date of a background check by clicking on the blue pencil on the side panel.
To delete a background check, click the Action button and select Delete. This action is available according to your roles and permissions.
It is not possible to change the status of an Expired background check.
If you mistakenly selected this status, you must create a new background check, which will replace the expired one.
The organization that made the entry for a background check will be the only one that can
A history of all transfers will be shown.
Period: The hockey season the transfer was made in.
Duration: Whether the transfer is shared or permanent.
Type: The type of transfer - Association, Branch or USA.
From: The association the transfer was coming from
To: The location the transfer is moving to.
Approved on: The date that the transfer was approved on.
Status: The status of the transfer - open or closed.
When a member is primary to your association, from this section, you will only be able to create a. USA transfer. If you are transferring a member into your association or creating an International transfer - click here for information.
To create an USA transfer: Click on Action then click Create USA transfer.
When creating an USA transfer you will need the following information:
Transfer type (renew, single, tryout, CHL draft or youth)
Season the transfer is for
Duration (limited, unlimited or tryout)
Direction (incoming, outgoing or unknown)
The team
Status - the sent date the transfer
Additional information that can be added to the transfer are:
Supporting documents (10MB limit)
Team release fee
Team name - for the release fee
Display of suspensions
A history of all suspensions will be shown.
Received Date: The date the suspension was given on.
Infraction: The penalty name and code.
Organization: The primary organization of the member.
Duration: The length of the suspension.
End Date: The date the suspension will end.
Status: The status of the suspension.
A history of all appeals will be shown.
Date: The date of the appeal
From: The organization the appeal is coming from
To: The organization the appeal is going to
Status: The status of the appeal
Approved: If the appeal has been approved
To enter an appeal: Click on Add
When entering an appeal, you will need the following information:
Organization and team name that the appeal is coming from
Organization and team name that the appeal is going to
The season the incident took place in
The category of the team
Submitted date for the appeal
The regulation (if you do not know the regulation, please use ('-'), K5(a), K5(b), H8(b), K6(a), K6(b), K26(b), K18, or Reinstatement
Status of the appeal: open, closed, pending, return to office, or withdrawn
Approved status: approved, denied or no jurisdiction
Additional information that can be added to the appeal are:
Hearing date
Letter sent date
Member Status Log
A history of all the status changes for a member will be shown.
Change Date: The change the change was made
Created By: Who made the change
Reason: The reason for the change - Note: Depending on the status, the reason field may be limited based on permissions.
Status: The status of the member
Member Information Change Logs
A history of all the information changed on a members profile will be shown.
Change Date: The change the change was made
Requested By: Who made the change
Changes: The change that was made
Display of Approving Authority: The addition of displaying who approved a change in the side panel enhances transparency and accountability, providing users with insight into the approval process.