Soccer - Profile picture

Soccer - Profile picture



Important: for a member's profile to be validated by ARS, the profile photo must have been added to the member's file, or the photo must not have expired.

Member profiles whose documents are not valid and approved by the club will not be displayed in the list of members to be validated by the ARS.


Criteria for Soccer Profile Photos

  • Profile photos are mandatory for members U8 to Senior.

  • Photos are only recommended for members U4 to U7.

  • Photos are valid according to the following criteria:

    • For players U4 to U18, photos will be valid for three (3) years.

    • For players U19 and over, photos will be valid for five (5) years.

    • The photo's expiry date is May 1st of each year.

    • The validity of photos for coaches and referees is the same as for players.


Profile photo for online registration

  • When registering a new member, uploading a photo is mandatory for the member profile. Otherwise, online registration cannot be completed.

  • If an existing player's photo is missing from his profile or has expired, the system will ask him to add the photo when registering according to the criteria for U8 to Senior players, as well as for coaches and referees. Otherwise, online registration cannot be completed.

  • The system will not request a photo if the profile already exists and the photo has not expired.


Profile photo when registering manually (i.e. not online)

  • If you register one of your members manually, you can complete the registration process, but a message will be sent to members so that the registered member's photo can be uploaded to My Spordle Account.

  • If the photo is not uploaded or has expired, ARS will not be able to validate the registration. The player cannot be added to a match sheet. He may be added to a team, but it will be impossible for the coach to select him. When the referee enters the match results if the player has to play, the referee can enter the player on the game sheet, but a notification will be sent to the league to inform them that an ineligible player has participated in this game.


Other information about profile photos

  • If a member logs into My Account Spordle without registering and the photo of a member linked to their account has expired or expires within the year, the system will create a To-Do task in My Account Spordle so that the photo can be updated.

  • If you reject a photo uploaded by a member of your organization, the system will create a To-Do in the member's My Account Spordle to upload a new photo.


Note: if a member want to change their profile photo, they must submit it to you, and you can follow up with the member.


For information on approving profile photos, please refer to the documentation Requests manage - Approval of documents.