Create a store - Officials, Coaches and Volunteers

Create a store - Officials, Coaches and Volunteers

Creating a no-charge online registration for your volunteers, administrators, officials, and bench staff allows you to:

  • Assure that waivers are signed

  • Add background checks to member profile

  • Update member information



Here is the process to create a no-charge online registration for your volunteers, administrators, officials, or bench staff:


It would be best if you started by creating your catalog for your online store.


Create your Terms & Conditions (mandatory)

  • Terms and Conditions are mandatory for each online store, so you can name your terms and conditions, Volunteer and Bench Staff Registrations or Official Registration, and write in the message No Fee Required.

  • See the Terms and Conditions document to follow the steps to create them.


Create your Waivers (optional)

  • If you want to create waivers for your volunteers, administrators, officials, and bench staff, see the Waivers documentation.


Create your Questionnaires (optional)

  • If you wish to create a questionnaire for your volunteers, administrators, officials, and bench person, see the Questionnaires documentation.


Create Other items (optional)

  • If you wish to create other items (item purchase or other) for your volunteers, administrators, officials, and bench person, consult the documentation on Other items.


Create Registration Fee (required)

  • To create a registration fee for a volunteer, administrator, official, or bench person, you must select one of these four types of members:

    • Coach

    • Volunteer

    • Bench Staff

    • Official

  • Select the same division as the selected member type (e.g., Coach member type, Coach division, etc.)

  • Enter a name for these fees, such as Volunteer Registration

You can create fees for each type of member, for example, Official Registration, Coach Registration, etc.

  • If you have created a questionnaire or waivers, please add them and click Add.

  • If you wish, you can view the Registration Fee documentation.


Create the online registration

  • Click on Create a new online store on the Online Registration page and refer to the Online Registration documentation.

  • Select the listing fee you created at $0.00

    • If you have created different fees for coaches, volunteers, bench staff, and officials, you can select all four fees in the same online store.

  • You must select a payment option. We suggest you select the cheque method if the registration is $0.00.


Share your online store - SOCCER QUÉBEC ONLY

To allow a referee or a coach registered as a player in a club other than yours to register in your club, you must share your online store.

To share your store, click on your store's link to access its profile.


At the top of the page, click on Share.


Click on the organization tree to the right of Search.



Select Soccer Quebec and All sub-organizations

You must have a total of 716 organizations. If you have 717 organizations, search for your club to deselect it. The system will not allow you to share the online store with your club.


Click on Close at the bottom of the page.


Click on Confirm.


Your online store will then be shared with all clubs in Quebec, and the number of shared organizations will be indicated at the top of your online store page.