Creating a competitions

Creating a competitions


Creating a competition

Each competition created will be synchronized with Spordle PLAY and will appear as a schedule in this platform.

As a league manager, you must create each competition that is approved by your regional or provincial organization. Competition creation will have to be redone each season.

  • To do so, click on Manage and My league.

  • Then select the Competition tab.

  • Click on Add to make your sanction request.


Competition details

You must then complete the required fields.

Fields marked with * are mandatory

  • Division *: Indicates the age category of the competition.

  • Category *: Allows you to indicate the level of competition as well as the type of competition.

For soccer, don't use the CDC categories. Use the local and regional categories instead.

  • Places available: Indicate the number of places available.

  • Competition level: Equivalent to the level chosen for the full league.

    • Select the competition level from the drop-down menu.

    • National

    • Provincial

    • Regional

    • Local

  • Sanction: The amount to be paid for the sanction request. This amount is set by the various federations.

  • Amount per team: Indicate the amount each team will pay for your league.

  • Team registration end date: The date on which you stop accepting team registrations for your league.

  • Competition format: Allows you to specify the type of elimination format for the league.

    • Single elimination

    • Double elimination

    • Triple elimination

    • Consolation

    • Fake double elimination

    • Round robin

  • Start and end dates: Corresponds to the competition dates.

  • External teams: You can decide whether to accept external teams in your league's competitions. An external team is a team from outside the Spordle ID platform.

Click on Next.


Display information

  • Name: It is recommended to indicate the category, gender and division to facilitate the registration of teams in your league.

  • Description: A description is optional. You can mention payment terms, a link to a league page with details, a link to a website, etc.

Click on Submit.


  • Once completed, a window will appear telling you that your request has been successful.