Creating a competitions

Creating a competitions


Creating a competition

Each competition created will be synchronized with Spordle PLAY and will appear as a schedule in this platform.

As a league manager, you must create each competition that is approved by your regional or provincial organization. Competition creation will have to be redone each season.

  • To do so, click on Manage and My league.

  • Then select the Competition tab.

  • Click on Add to make your sanction request.


Competition details

You must then complete the required fields.

Fields marked with * are mandatory

  • Division *: Indicates the age category of the competition.

  • Category *: Allows you to indicate the level of competition as well as the type of competition.

For soccer, don't use the CDC categories. Use the local and regional categories instead.

The category is necessary because, if the field is left empty, competitions will not synchronize with Spordle PLAY.

  • Places available: Indicate the number of places available.

  • Competition level: Equivalent to the level chosen for the full league.

    • Select the competition level from the drop-down menu.

    • National

    • Provincial

    • Regional

    • Local

  • Sanction: The amount to be paid for the sanction request. This amount is set by the various federations.

  • Amount per team: Indicate the amount each team will pay for your league.

  • Team registration end date: The date on which you stop accepting team registrations for your league.

  • Competition format: Allows you to specify the type of elimination format for the league.

    • Single elimination

    • Double elimination

    • Triple elimination

    • Consolation

    • Fake double elimination

    • Round robin

  • Start and end dates: Corresponds to the competition dates.

  • External teams: You can decide whether to accept external teams in your league's competitions. An external team is a team from outside the Spordle ID platform.

Click on Next.


Display information

Note: The name and description entered will be displayed publicly on your league page.

  • Name: It is recommended to indicate the category, gender and division to facilitate the registration of teams in your league.

  • Description: A description is optional. You can mention payment terms, a link to a league page with details, a link to a website, etc.

Click on Submit.



  • Once completed, a window will appear telling you that your request has been successful.
