Games Documentation

Spordle PLAY



The Games section is where you can complete tasks specific to a Game such as:

  • Create Game

  • Search Games

  • Assigning Officials

  • Manage Lineup

Each Game is attached to Schedule, which means you must have a Schedule created before you can create a Game. Within the Game, you can Assign Officials, Manage Team Lineups, and access Scorekeeping which will be discussed in more detail in its own section.


Create Game

To create a Game, make sure you are on the Games tab found in the sidebar, and then click the + CREATE button in the top right corner



You will be redirected to a page where you will be asked to fill in the Game information. You must select a Schedule in order to create a Game. If you have not yet created a Schedule, go to the Schedules tab found in the sidebar and create a Schedule.



Once you have selected a Schedule, 5 more dropdown boxes will appear for you to fill in. Continue to fill in all the appropriate fields, and then click the Save button to complete the Game creation.



Search Games

When searching for a Game, you are given the option to filter through Games by numerous properties showcased on the left-hand side. You can even filter through previous games if you would like to see information about them.


A notable feature when searching for a Game is the ability to save a search. You can have multiple saved searches to save time accessing your most frequent searches.



To do this, select all the game properties you would like to filter through and then click the + beside MY SEARCHES.


Assigning Officials

To start assigning Officials to a game, you can either click the Officials tab on the top or the Assign Officials tab on the right.



Once you are in the Officials tab, you can now start assigning your Officials. First you are going to want to change the Settings to specify the structure and requirements of the Officials. To do this, click the arrow beside Settings and a dropdown will appear.



Once you have completed filling out the details, click the Save button.


Next, you are going to start assigning your Officials. For this example, we will only assign a referee, however the process is the same for all Officials. Click the Referee tab and a dropdown will appear. Use the search and filter functionality to find the right Official to satisfy the role.



When searching through Officials, take note of the prompts that appear like the one above labelled Unavailable. You will notice various kinds of these prompts, and they are there to assist you in the assigning process.


Once you have selected an appropriate Official for the game, click the Assign bottom on the bottom right.


Manage Lineup

To finish off the Game setup, you must prepare the Game Lineup which includes the players and the bench staff. To do this, click on either the Lineups tab on the top or the Team Lineups tab on the right.



In this tab you will see the players and bench staff are currently on the teams roster. In here you can select which players and bench staff will be participating in the game, as well as edit some of their information.


To do this, click the check box on a member to activate them on the roster. Once a player has been checked you will notice an edit button appear to the right of the member.



Clicking the edit button will open up a modal allowing you to change some of the members details going into the game. Changing the position of a member will likely change the details available for you to edit.


In this example, we have a Forward. You can change the Jersey Number, Positions, Status, and Suspension Status. If the members position was a Goalie, you would have the option to set them as the Starting Goaltender. Finally if you changed the members position to a Coach, you would only see the options to edit the Positions and Suspension Status.


Once have you finished editing a team members details, click the Update button on the bottom left.



If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will see a prompt for Lineup Requirements. Unless these are met, you will not be able to Sign your lineup for the game.


Once the Lineup Requirements are met, the prompt will disappear and the Sign button will change from greyed out to blue. Click the Sign button on the button left to continue.



All that’s left to do is select who is signing off on the lineup, and provide a signature. Click the Save button on the bottom right and you will have successfully set and approved the game lineup.