ADMIN (Play)

This section is documenting everything an Administrator can do in PLAY



Search Schedule

To begin searching, make sure you are on the Schedules tab where you will find access to all current schedules available.



Here you will have the ability to search for all upcoming schedules as well as filter them by Name, Office, Type, Division, Gender, and Category.


You can utilize the My Searches feature to save frequent searches for quick access. To do this, set the search fields to your liking and then click the + beside My Searches.



You will then be prompted to name your search, and once completed your saved search will be populated under My Searches. You can now utilize these to quickly search through schedules.


You also have the ability to search for past schedules that ended, incase you need some information about those schedules and the games within them. To do this, click the Show past schedules toggle and you will see all available previous schedules.




All of the available schedules will show on the right, where you can the sort through them by each of the headings.



View Schedule

To view a schedule, click on the schedule you desire and you will be brought to its overview page.




The SUMMARY tab showcases all of the schedules information such as Type, Dates, Category, and Office.



The TEAMS tab will list all of the teams participating in the schedule. You can sort teams by name or their groups (if applicable).



The GAMES tab will present all games taking place within the schedule along with their information. You can sort through games by Date, Time, Details, and Location.


You will also be shown any schedule Drafts, which are schedules that have been started but not yet completed. Clicking a draft will resume the creation of that schedule where you left off.



The SETTINGS tab will allow you to see schedule Settings, Notifications, and Assigner Overrides.

  • Settings include information about Registrations, Allowing Lineup Extras, and Standings.

  • Notifications show individuals who are set up to receive alerts about Scheduling, Assigning, Game Reports, and/or Major Penalties.

  • Assigner Overrides show assigners that have the ability to override assigning rules for this schedule.




Add Schedule

To create a schedule, click the + CREATE button on the top right of the Schedules tab.



You will be prompted to fill in information about your schedule such as Name, Season, Type, Office, and Start/End Dates. Once you select your office, 3 more boxes will appear for Division, Gender, and Category.



After entering all of this information, click the SAVE button and you will be brought into the schedule.


Here you will have 3 options for developing a schedule: Generate, Upload, and Draft. We will start with Generate. Make sure you are in the Summary section, and then click Generate Schedule.



Generating a schedule automatically creates a schedule for you after providing some information and selecting participating teams.


Schedule Info


First you will need to enter some schedule information. Confirm the Schedule name, specify the Type of rotation (single or double), set the Start Date, Total Weeks, and Starting Number for the schedule. The Starting the Number will be the first game in the schedules number. Each game number after that will be sequentially added by 1.


You have the ability to select a Previous Draft, which is a schedule that you have started but not yet completed. You can also add schedule breaks by click the + ADD button under Breaks, where you specify the Start Date and Total Weeks of the break duration.


Once you have entered all of this information, click NEXT to move on to the step.


Select Teams


Now it’s time to Select Teams for the schedule. Click the + ADD TEAM button to create a row for adding a team. Add a row for each team participating in the schedule. There should not be any duplicate teams.


For each row select a Team, home ice Day, Start/End Time, and Venue. The home ice information will be used to generate home games for teams only during their allotted timeslot at their home venue.



To help simplify this process, you have the ability automatically add teams into the schedule by clicking the USE EXISTING TEAMS button. This will only work if there are already teams existing within the schedule. Teams can be added to the schedule manually in the schedules Teams tab, or if a partial schedule has been created then those teams will be added as well.


You can also fill each teams home ice information by clicking the FILL ICE TIMES button, and all of the selected teams will have their home ice information automatically inserted.


Once you have completed the team selection, click NEXT to proceed.

Review Games


You will now see all of the games that have been generated for this schedule, along with their game information. In the section, you have full control of changing most things that were generated to your liking.


Clicking on any game will bring up its information, where you are able to modify the games Home Team, Away Team, Venue, and Start/End Date and Times. You can also change the games Status to correlate with any changes that have been made.



Once you have finished modifying the game, click SAVE on the bottom right to save the changes.


There will be a status indicator beside every game that isn’t Active. Games that have the status of Rescheduled or Rink Changed are technically still active games, however there status wont be labelled as Active.


For an example of all the statuses, I briefly changed some games to each of the 6 different statuses and labelled their status names.


Notice that the Cancelled and Postponed statuses have the same icon. To differentiate these, you can hover over any icon to see their status name. A game that is Active will not have an icon next to it.


You have the ability to manually set multiple games as a conflict with ease. To do this, select 1 or more checkboxes beside a game and then click SET CONFLICT on the top right.



You can also do the opposite and set conflicted games to active by selecting 1 or more checkboxes beside a game with a conflict, and then click SET ACTIVE on the top right.


To easily view all of the games with a conflict status, simply click the Show conflicts only toggle button on the top left.



If you ever need to quickly swap the arena of 2 games, you can do so by selecting the checkboxes of the desired games and then click SWAP ICE on the top right.



The game details will all stay the same except for the home and away teams. The home team from each game will swap, and the away team from each game will swap.


Finally, lets analyze the generated schedule by clicking ANALYZE on the bottom left.



Here you will be able to view some analytics of the schedule such as Summary, New Matchups, and Byes.


In the Summary section you will be presented with information about each team such as the Day they play, number of Opponents, Conflicts, Byes, Home and Away games, and Total games. You can use this information to better understand your generated schedule to see if changes need to be made.



The New Matchups section will specify how many times each team faces each other in both home and away games. The teams are on the axis and the data represents home and away games against the compared team (Home/Away).


For example, if you look at the table from the Y-Axis then the Montreal Canadians (Team #1) would play 0 home games and 1 away game against the Calgary Flames (Team #2), totally 1 game against each other in this schedule (0/1).



Finally, the Byes section simply showcases which teams have a bye during which week of the schedule.


In this example, only 2 teams have a bye. The Calgary Flames on Week 2, and the Ottawa Senators on Week 4.



When you have finished analyzing the generated schedule, click CLOSE on the bottom right of the Analytics window and then click NEXT on the bottom left of the Review Games page.



The final step in this process is to publish the generated schedule. This section gives you some further details about the schedule before you officially publish it. It will showcase any new Teams, Changed Games, and New Games being added to the schedule.


Scroll to the bottom of the page and click PUBLISH after you have reviewed this information.



A confirmation window will pop up to publish this schedule. Click PUBLISH to successfully create a generated schedule.



Uploading a schedule allows you to upload an already created schedule using a .CSV file. The file must follow a certain template, including specific headers and properly formatted information.



It is highly recommended to use all of these headings and information when uploading your schedule if applicable. This will save you from having to insert information later in the process.


Schedule Info


Once you have entered into schedule upload, drag and drop your .CSV file where it says Drop your schedule file (.csv) here. You can also click that area to open up the file browser.



The uploader will find all of the matching headers and fill them for you. If you named any of your headers incorrectly, that column will be left blank. To fill them in, click one of the blank columns and a dropdown of headers from your file will appear. Select the appropriate header that matches the one you are trying to fill.



You may leave some columns blank. In this example, we didn’t have the headers for Status or Comments. These headers aren’t required however they can be utilized if necessary.


Once you have finished selecting your columns, click NEXT on the bottom left.



Select Teams

This section ensures that the uploader matched the right teams from the file to the database. On the left are the names of the teams the uploader found from the file, and on the right are the teams it matched to from the database.



In this example, you will notice that the Montreal Canadians did not get a match from the database. This happened because the team stored in the database is spelled differently, and contains an é instead of an e in Montreal.


If any teams are blank on the right side, click the text area and select the appropriate team from the dropdown list to match the teams.



Once you have finished matching the teams, click NEXT to continue.



Review Games

This section follows the same process and functionalities as the Review Games section in Generate Schedule.



Click Here to go to the Review Games section in Generate Schedule and follow the documentation.



This section follows the same process and functionalities as the Publish section in Generate Schedule.



Click Here to go to the Publish section in Generate Schedule and follow the documentation.


The last option for creating a schedule is the draft schedule. This option is a manual entry, which means you will add teams and create games one-by-one from scratch.


Schedule Info


To start, enter a unique Starting Number that will be used for the first game of the schedule. Each game will follow this number being incremented by 1.


Click NEXT to move on.


Select Teams


Now we can start adding teams into the schedule. Click the ADD TEAM button to create a row that contains a dropdown list of teams. Select a team and then repeat this process until all of the desired teams are selected.



To help simplify this process, you have the ability automatically add teams into the schedule by clicking the USE EXISTING TEAMS button. This will only work if there are already teams existing within the schedule. Teams can be added to the schedule manually in the schedules Teams tab, or if a partial schedule has been created then those teams will be added as well.



Once you have finished selecting all of the the teams you would like to add to the schedule, click NEXT.


Review Games

This section is where you will begin to manually create the games for the schedule. To start, click the ADD GAME button.



Here will fill in the game information like Home Team, Away Team, Venue, Start Time, End Time, and Status. The Status will default to Active, but you can change it to any of the options if need be. You can also leave optional comments for each game that will be displayed on the public schedule.



Once you have filled out the game information, click SAVE and then repeat this process until you have added all the games necessary to the schedule.


After creating all of the games for the schedule, the rest of this section follows the same process and functionalities as the Review Games section in Generate Schedule.



Click Here to go to the Review Games section in Generate Schedule and follow the documentation.



This section follows the same process and functionalities as the Publish section in Generate Schedule.



Click Here to go to the Publish section in Generate Schedule and follow the documentation.



Edit Schedule

To edit a schedule, click on the schedule you desire and you will be brought to its overview page.




To edit a schedules basic information, click EDIT SCHEDULE under the SUMMARY tab. You can also click the EDIT button located on the top right in any section of the overview page.



Here you will be able to edit all of the schedules basic information such as the Name, Season, Type, Office, Division, Gender, Category, Start Date, and End Date.



Once you have completed editing the schedule, click the SAVE button to save your changes. You may also click SHOW on the top right of the page to discard any of your changes made.


Under the TEAMS tab you can add, update, and delete teams from the schedule. To add a team, click ADD TEAMS.



Add Team

Click ADD to create a dropdown list of teams that you can select from. You can add multiple teams to the schedule at once by click ADD each time you would like to select another team.


Once you have selected the team(s) that you would like to add, click SAVE to add team to the schedule.



Update Team

To update a team, click on the team you would like to change (Don’t click directly on the team name as it will bring you to that teams page).



Click on the dropdown box to select a different team, and then click SAVE.



Delete Team

To delete a team, click on the team you would like to delete (Don’t click directly on the team name as it will bring you to that teams page).



Click DELETE to remove the team from the schedule.



One thing to note is that updating or deleting a team from the schedule has no affect on their games that have been created. For example, if we were to delete the Calgary Flames from this schedule, all of their games would still be present and unaffected. The same goes for updating a team.


In the games tab you will be able to add, edit, and delete games, as well as edit and delete any saved drafts within the schedule.


Add Game

To add a game into the schedule, click ADD GAME on the bottom left of the Games tab.



Here is where you will fill in the games information such as Home Team, Away Team, Venue, Start/End Date and Times, and Game Number (optional).


The Division, Gender, and Category will default to the schedules requirements, however they may be changed. The Status will default to active but it can be changed as well.



After entering all of the games information, click SAVE to successfully create a game under the schedule.


Edit/Delete Game

To edit or delete a game, click on the game you would like to modify and then follow the Edit Game documentation found here, or the Delete Game documentation found here.



Edit Draft

To edit a saved draft, click on it and you will be brought back to where you left of when creating the schedule.



Proceed with the schedule creation of this draft. Once you publish this draft, it will no longer show up in saved drafts.



Delete Draft

To delete a saved draft, click on it and you will be brought back to where you left of when creating the schedule.



Navigate to either the Publish or Schedule Info sections, and click DELETE which will be located on the bottom right of the page for both sections.




The settings tab allows you to edit settings, add notifications, and add/edit/delete overrides.



To edit the settings, click on EDIT SETTINGS under the Settings section.



Here you will be able to select or toggle which settings you would like enable such as Include Registrations, Allow Extras, desired Point System, and Limit Sportsmanship Points to Group.



Click the SAVE button on the bottom right to set these settings.



To add notifications, click ADD NOTIFICATION under the Notifications section.



Here you can select a person to receive notifications, and then toggle which notifications they will receive such as Scheduling, Assigning, Game Reports, and Major Penalties.



Click the SAVE button on the bottom right to set these add these notifications.


Add Assigner Overrides

To add assigner overrides, click ADD OVERRIDE under the Assigner Overrides section.



Here you can choose the assigner that you would like to have the override capabilities. Only parent offices will be in the selection list for overrides.



Click the SAVE button on the bottom right to set these add these notifications.


Edit Assigner Overrides

To edit an assigner override, click the an assigner override under the Assigner Overrides section.



Select another assigner from the dropdown. Only parent offices will be in the selection list for overrides.



Click the SAVE button on the bottom right to save your changes.


Delete Assigner Overrides

To delete an assigner override, click the an assigner override under the Assigner Overrides section.



Click the DELETE button on the bottom left to delete the assigner override.




Delete Schedule

To delete a schedule, click EDIT located on the top right of the schedule overview page or click EDIT SCHEDULE under the SUMMARY tab.



Click the DELETE button on the bottom right to permanently delete the schedule.















