Cancel a Registration
To cancel a registration, you can do it from the Registration tab or the Transaction Tab.
Open the side panel
Click on Action
Select Cancel Registration
Select from the list of items on the invoice that you want to cancel.
Click on Proceed
Enter the reason for cancelling the registration
Then click on Proceed
The system will then ask you if you wish to refund the transaction.
If you wish to proceed with the refund, click on Refund
If you do not wish to proceed with the refund immediately, click on Close
Note: For more information on refunds, please refer to the Member Refund documentation
Please note that when you cancel registration, the payment is not automatically cancelled or refunded. You have to do both steps: cancel the registration and cancel/refund the transaction.
If you clicked on Refund, a window will appear where you will have to fill in the information requested:
Refund amount
Payment method
Internal note (optional): This note is only visible to users
External note (optional): This note will be visible in the member’s refund email
Click on Refund
The registration cancellation will then be listed on the right side panel of the Transaction tab in the member’s profile and if a refund was made it will be listed in red.
In the Registration tab, the status of the registration will show Cancelled
Transaction Tab:
Registration Tab: