Staff Tab

Staff Tab

A staff member is defined as a member of your board of directors, a volunteer, or a staff member of your organization.

Note: This is not the creation of users in the Spordle ID, to create users refer to the documentation Organization-Users.



There are two ways to update your organization's staff: either by adding new staff members or, at the beginning of the season, by rollover your staff from the previous season.


Rollover of staff members

  • To rollover staff members from the previous year, click on the Staff tab, on +Add, and select Rollover.



  • Select the previous season and click on Search.



  • Select only those staff members who will be in your organization for the current season. The member's previous season's role will be displayed under his name, along with the election end date, if applicable. You can still select this member and then change his/her role in your new season.

  • Once you've completed your selection, click Next.



  • You will be asked to confirm your selection

  • If you've forgotten to select members, click on Previous on the left.

  • When you've finished, click Next on the right.



  • The selected staff members will then be added to your list.

    If you want to change any of the members you have a rollover, please refer to the General Staff Information Change documentation.



Add a Staff Member

To add a staff member, you must:

  • Click on the Staff tab

  • Click on +Add.


  • Enter the first and last name of the staff member

Note: To add a staff member, he or she must have a profile in Spordle ID.


  • This page will appear if the member you are looking for does not have a profile in Spordle ID. You have the option to search for another member by clicking on Search or going to the Member menu to create a profile for the member you wish to add.


  • If the member you are looking for has a profile in Spordle ID, the system will display the members found with the same first and last name.

  • If the desired member is displayed, click Select this member

  • If this is not the member you are looking for, click on Search or go to the Member menu to create their Spordle ID profile.


Then, fill in the requested information:

The sign * indicates that it is a mandatory field.

Email *: This will already be entered, but you can change it if you wish.

Phone number: Enter the member's phone number.

Roles *: Indicate the member's role in your organization from the choices in the drop-down list.

Elected Role: Indicate with Yes or No if this is an elected role

Elected to: If you have indicated that this is an elected role, you must enter the member's term end date.

Add Role: If the member has more than one role in your organization, click +Add Role to indicate the member's additional role.

Display contact on the website

  • Visible on the website: You can indicate if you want the staff member to be visible on Page, your organization page where members sign up, view team schedules, teams, etc.

  • Visible Email: If you have selected Visible on the website, indicate if you want to display their email address.

  • Visible Phone: If you selected Visible on the website, indicate if you want to display their phone number.

When finished, click Add.


Staff Side Panel

Clicking on a staff member will open a side panel.

Modification General staff information

The * sign indicates that it is possible to modify the information using the blue pencil

Status *: The status of a member can be Active or Inactive.

Role *: This is the role assigned to this member in your organization.

Email *: This is the member's email address.

Phone Number *: This is the member's phone number.

Display this contact on the website *: You can change how the contact is displayed on Page by changing their visibility on the website and whether or not their email address and phone number are displayed.

If you want to delete the user, click on the Action button and then Delete.