Organizations - Register a team

Organizations - Register a team


You can register your teams in a tournament by following the procedure below for organizational purposes.

  • In Spordle ID, go to the Manage menu and select Teams.



  • Find the team you want to register for a tournament and click on the team number (blue link) to open the team profile.



  • In the team profile, click on the Action button at the top right

  • Select Participate in a league/tournament


  • Select Tournament


  • Search for the tournament you want to enter in the drop-down list

  • Select the division for which you want to register your team

  • If applicable, you can add a note

  • Click on Submit


  • A message confirming the registration request will be displayed.


IMPORTANT: This is a registration request. The transaction and confirmation of the team's registration will be finalized with the tournament organizers.


  • A notification will be displayed in the team notifying you that the team is awaiting acceptance of the response for its tournament.

    • This notification will be displayed regardless of whether the team or the organization is requesting registration for a tournament.

  • The date of the tournament will be indicated.

  • A link to the tournament's public page will appear.



  • When the team's registration is approved or declined, a notification will be displayed to indicate the status of the registration request.