

Note: Actions in the suspension module are available according to your roles and permissions.


The suspension module is available in a member's file and allows you to track suspensions received by a member. Depending on your roles and permissions, this module may be hidden or read-only.

When a suspension is active in the member's record, there will be a red indicator on the member's record indicating that the member is currently suspended.

A suspended member will be able to register, request a transfer and be added to a team roaster. However, they will remain in suspended status in the team roaster until the end of their suspension period.

Since the platform is not connected in real time with the game management systems, a reminder system is in place to notify the registrar to check if the suspension is still active.

Display of suspensions

Suspensions can be found under the history tab in the member's profile. The following information can be found there:

  • Received Date: This corresponds to the date on which the suspension was issued.

  • Infraction: This corresponds to the name and code of the penalty in the rules book.

  • Organization: This corresponds to the name of the member's primary organization.

  • Duration: This corresponds to the duration of the suspension, if specified when it was added.

  • End Date: This corresponds to the suspension end date, if specified when the suspension was added.

  • Status: This corresponds to the suspension status.

If the suspension status is active, a red "suspended" flag appears in the member's profile, at the status level.


The following actions are still possible when the member's status is suspended.

  • Registration

  • Addition to a team roaster

  • Transfer

  • Clinic registration

  • However, the suspended status in red appears next to the member's name and in a team book.


To Add a Suspension

  • Click +Add

  • Select

    • Existing Infraction * : Infraction added according to the rule book

    • Other Infraction * :

  • Select a Suspension type

    • Definite

      • Number of games * : Select the number of suspension games. If this option is selected, it is not necessary to specify an end date.

      • End Date * : Allows you to select an end date for the suspension. If this option is selected, it is not necessary to specify an end date.


    • Indefinite * : Allows you to specify no end date, which means that the suspension has no time limit..

  • Enter

    • Incident Date * : Allows you to indicate the date on which the offence took place.

    • Received Date * : Indicate the date on which the suspension was entered. This date can be the same as the incident date.

  • Enter the Incident Location * : Indicates where the offence took place.

  • Enter Reminder date: Allows you to specify a reminder date for managing the suspension. By selecting this option, a notification is sent to the person who created the suspension.

  • Click Next


  • Select

    • Season * : Select the season for creating the suspension.

    • Team * : Allows you to select the team with which the player has served his suspension. If the player belongs to more than one team, you must select the team with which he was playing at the time of the offence.

    • Position * : Selects the position the player has played

  • Enter the Opposing Team Name (optional)

  • Add any Notes and Attachments (optional)

  • Click Add


Suspension side panel

Click on a member's suspension to display the right-hand side panel.

The following modifications can be made using the blue pencil:

  • Suspension type :

    • You can change the type of suspension, defined or undefined.

    • Number of games

    • End date

  • Incident date: The incident date can be modified

  • Incident location: Incident location can be changed

  • Notes: If necessary, you can add a note

  • Attachments: If required, you can add an attachment


By clicking on the Action button, you can print the suspension notification by clicking on Export PDF.

If you wish to delete the suspension, click on Delete. This will remove the suspension completely. It will no longer appear in the history tab.

Reminder module

To make it easier to track suspensions, a notification system has been set up in the platform to notify the registrar to check the status of a suspension.

To activate the reminder on a suspension, simply add a reminder date when creating the suspension, or by modifying an existing suspension and adding this reminder date.

On the date indicated, registrars with permission on the suspension module can either terminate the suspension if it has been purged, or reset the reminder date to receive a new notification.

It is possible for a user to unsubscribe from the Member suspension notification - see notifications management.

End suspension

If your suspension has an end date, the system will automatically end the suspension on that date and the member's status will automatically revert to the previous status. If your suspension is based on a number of games rather than an end date, it is the registrar's responsibility to manually end the suspension. This is done by setting an end date on the suspension. The suspension will be marked as completed, and the player's status will then revert to his previous status. It is also possible to terminate a suspension with the action button located in the side panel of an active suspension.



Suspension report

A report is available in the platform to extract the list of suspensions in an organization. It is possible to filter by suspension type and season. See full documentation on this report here.