Transfer history
A history of all transfers will be shown.
Period: The hockey season the transfer was made in.
Duration: Whether the transfer is shared or permanent
Type: The type of transfer - Association, Branch, or USA
From: The association the transfer was coming from
To: The location the transfer is moving to
Approved on: The date that the transfer was approved on
Status: The status of the transfer - open or closed
When a member is primary to your association, you can only create a USA transfer from this section. If you are transferring a member into your association or creating an International transfer - click here for information.
To create a USA transfer, Click Action, then Create USA transfer.
When creating a USA transfer you will need the following information:
Transfer type (renew, single, tryout, CHL draft, or youth)
Season the transfer is for
Duration (limited, unlimited, or tryout)
Direction (incoming, outgoing, or unknown)
The team
Status - the sent date of the transfer
Additional information that can be added to the transfer are:
Supporting documents (10MB limit)
Team release fee
Team name - for the release fee
Remove a share
To remove a share, click on the member whose share you wish to remove to open the side panel. Click on the Action button and select Remove Share.
Indicate the reason for removing this share (optional) and click Remove.
The status of the share will then be set to Expired, and the reason why it has been removed will be entered in the Comments tab on the side panel.