Other Items

Other Items

Products and Services - Other Items

Other items can be set up as an add-on item to your registration (i.e. $50 deposit for team jersey) or as additional service offerings for your members (i.e. a goaltending seminar or a power skating session). Other items can be set up as mandatory or optional.

Note: HCR 3.0. IS NOT meant to be an e-commerce platform. It is a dedicated platform related to the member registration underneath Hockey Canada and its members.

To add Other Items: click on Other Items from the list of options under the Products and Services section, then click Add.



You can now input your information for other items. Depending on your regional settings, you may only have to enter French, only English text or text in both languages. You also have the option to add an image. When you’re done, you can click on the blue add button.










You can now see the full list of items and if you want to make any changes, you need to click on the row and the side panel opens. To edit or delete a clinic items, click on the row and the side panel will appear. you can click on the blue crayon to make any edits or use the red trash can or action button to delete the item.


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