Finances - Discounts
For organizations that use Online registration only.
Please note: Currently the only discount option that is available is for a Multi-Participant. Promo code discount will be available in the future.
The multiple participant discount is optional.
It can be set up to apply a dollar amount or a percentage off registration fee.
Rules can be set for which participant receives the discount.
To add a Discount: click on Discounts from the list of options under the Finances section, then click Add.
Select the Multi-Participant type
Choose the mode $ or %
Add a title
Set the rules for which participant(s) to apply the discount to. Ie: second child, third child, etc.
Create an expiration date for the discount rule (if needed).
Click Save
Note: You can edit the status of the discount - active or inactive by clicking on the the discount from the list view
Video Tutorial