SportsPay - Parent guide
Your local hockey organization has created a manual registration or a manual transaction and sent you an electronic invoice that requires payment. You need to update the credit card you used for the initial transaction or need to add a new card after a declined payment, this guide will walk you trough the steps required.
Section 1 : New invoice sent by your local organization
The initial email you will receive will be based on whether you currently have a Spordle My Account.
Option 1 : currently no My Account - you will receive an email with instructions to create an account.
You need to enter the temporary password received in the email
You will be asked to confirm a new password
You will then need to confirm the terms and conditions
Option 2 : you have a Spordle My Account - you will receive an email with an invoice a payment link
In both options, once you login to your My Account, you will see a notification of a pending payment
Please click Pay Now to start the process, you will see the details of the transaction.
Choose Manage on SportsPay to open a new payment window
Choose Pay to complete the process
Congratulations, you have completed the payment
Section 2 : You wish to update your card on file or a payment was declined
You have an upcoming payment scheduled and would like to change your card on file
Or you received a declined payment notification, you will see this page when you login to your My Account
Choose the Payment tab
You now see the next scheduled payment in the bottom corner
Click the blue Change Card
Click Manage on SportsPay icon
You must enter all the new information for the new card
Click Pay
You have now successfully update the card for the scheduled payment