Members - Overview


Updating information for a member is permission based. If the option to edit or add is not there, you may need to contact your branch office for assistance.

Primary information

The information displayed is for the participant, family member’s information should be listed under contacts. To update the information click on edit.

Address(es) and phone number(s)

The address and phone numbers can be set up to display more than one (optional). The gold star is used to indicate that it is the primary address.

  • Address options: resident, work, father, mother, guardian, mailing or billet

  • Phone number options: home, work, cell, fax, pager or office

Unconfirmed Address: When an address is updated through My Account, a red box will appear around the Address section. To verify the address, click on the link. It will give you 3 options:

  1. Accept and make it the primary address

  2. Accept and add it as an additional address

  3. Reject the address


Remember: Only Reject Address when the address is incorrect. If you reject the address because the member has not provided proof of residence, the member will not be able to enter the same address again. The branch can manually enter the address, but the member will not be able to. You can send a message to the member using the communication tool. To do this, click on Action in the member's profile and then on Send communication. When the parent uploads the documents in My Account, you will receive an email to notify you and then you can confirm the address to be validated.



Required documentation can be added, click the Add button, select the Document type, then click Save. Only one document can be added at a time, but type of document can be used as many times as needed.

To change a document type, click on the line item for the document, opening the side panel. Click on the blue pencil, pick the new document type, then click the checkmark.

Note: Removing document is permission based, and can not be deleted from My Account. If a document is added by mistake, or is no longer valid, click on the line item for the document you want to remove, so the side panel opens. Click the blue Action button and select delete.

Documents Security:

  • All documents are stored in a AWS file system that is completely secure. All files that are uploaded belong to the account that is uploading the files. Spordle employees do not have access to those files.

  • Files can be previewed only when you are connected to the HCR, the url of each files are not publicly available.

  • Only the parent that upload the file will have access to the file and the registrar will have a read only permission to the file.

To validate a document added by a member, simply click on Validate documents. An email will be sent to the registrar when a new document is added to a member.

For MHA that do not use the document upload option, simply click on Validate Documents. This will allow you to mark the profile as having the appropriate documents. This can be used if you are storing or validating documents outside of HCR.



Adding contacts for a member is optional but is very useful, as many of our members are youths. To update the contact list, click on edit. From here you can either edit an existing contact or add a contact.

To edit a contact: Click on the contact and a side panel will open. Update the contact information and click the checkmark to save.

To add a contact: Click + add a contact. Enter the contact information and click save.

Note: You can easily see if a contact is set up as an emergency contact by the red ambulance in the contact box.

The date of the last update of the contact will be displayed in the member's profile.


To remove a contact, you need to click on the contact and then the blue action button in the top right of the side panel. You can then select remove.


Members can add a contact or an emergency contact from My Account see documentation Adding a contact and an emergency contact in My Account - Member.

Family relations

Setting up a family relation is optional but can be a useful tool for registrar.

To edit a family member: Click on the member and a side panel will open. You can remove or update the information.


To add a family member: Click + add a family relation. You can either search using the HCR # or enter the name, birthdate and gender. Once the family member is found, enter the relation type and click save.

Linked Accounts

Here you will be able to see the accounts in My Account that are linked to this member.

Many parents do not remember the email address used in My Account when they registered their child. You will be able to validate with the parent the email address used.

If the parent has forgotten his password, he must click on Forgot Password and an email from Hockey Canada with a verification code will be sent to the parent to validate his identity. It is important to check your junk mail as Hockey Canada emails can be found there.

If a linked member has an administration user in HCR, you can click on Show roles to view them.


Memos can be used in many ways, and are an optional item.

To add a memo: Click + Add.