September 25, 2023
Updates and Improvements
My Account - Upcoming Events
We have updated the view inside My Account to increase the experience.
There is a new Upcoming Events view that will show you the next 3 events coming up for any of the sports profile in your account. This is available from the dashboard and inside each of the sports profile. A link to the full calendar will allow you to see all the activities you have in your profile.
My Account - Members View
The Member view as been updated in order to improve the navigation. If you have a lot of members connected to your My Account, there is now a search engine in the top. This will appear only if you have more than 9 members connected. This will allow an easy access to your members.
We have also changed the display so the Member information and the sports profile are in the same column.
Finally, you now have the option to unlink a member linked to your My account by clicking on the icon on the right of the top bar.
Game Incident Report
As mentioned previously, the Game Incident Report module is now available for all the branches. We have completed some of improvement to the module.
The view to select a player for an incident has been redesigned to allow a filter by home team and away team. You now have to select the team first and from there the player list will be filtered.
A non listed participant item has also been added to allow the user to enter the information of a player that is not in the default roster. When selecting the non listed player, the system will ask for all the information related to that player.
You now have the same option for non listed staff when creating the report.
The Game Incident Report list in HCR will now have a full search engine process to allow you to find the proper report.
The system allow now to manage the distribution list for each of the organization. The distribution list is the list of emails where the Game Incident Report is distributed. This process is hierarchical and the emails you add at each level will be added to the distribution.
When you submit a Game Incident Report it is now possible to select the email address from the distribution list that you want to use. Every time you submit or resubmit, the system will show you this window:
Reports Update
The registration report now have a column called Age.
Training Calendar
Check our training calendar. New sessions are frequently added.
Click here for the training calendar.
You can also request a training session.
Click here to request a training session.