May 13, 2024

May 13, 2024


Updates and Improvements

Access to Clinic Content

A new feature requires members to pay the full clinic fee to access external content. Users must ensure the clinic fee is paid before accessing resources like Hockey Canada Learning Lab, Hockey University, or Moodle.

If the clinic accepts payment methods other than credit cards, hosts must confirm that the payment has been fully received before users can access the clinic's content.

Enhanced Clinic Date Management

We are adding a new feature that improves how we handle clinic dates. When clinics involve external content, such as Hockey Canada Learning Lab, Hockey University, or Moodle, we'll store both start and end dates.

Previously, the system only used the attended date to track when a member started the clinic. However, moving forward, we'll capture the first click on external content as the start date and when the qualification is added to the profile as the end date, storing them in dedicated fields.

This enhancement serves multiple purposes. It allows for better attendance monitoring, particularly in scenarios where clinics combine external content with on-site sessions. Additionally, it enables us to generate valuable statistics on the time required to complete each content module.

These dates are now conveniently accessible in the clinic attendee report, providing administrators with comprehensive insights into clinic participation and completion timelines.


New Release Member Report

A new report is now available to generate team members who have been released.


My Account - Delete Credit Card

We've added functionality allowing parents to delete a credit card from their Spordle account. Parents can now go to My Account Spordle, select a card in their profile, and delete it.

To access this functionality, navigate to My Account Spordle, select the payment menu, select the desired card from your profile, and delete it. It's important to note that this action is only possible if the card is not scheduled for upcoming installments.

Improvements have also been made to changing a card for future installments, making it even more user-friendly for parents.

These enhancements apply equally to both Sportspay and Paysafe.


Enhancements to Registration Fee Management

An update on how users can modify registration fees in the platform has been made. This change comes in response to the complexity of the rules and validations associated with registration fee details, which were difficult to manage in a side panel.

When you click on Edit next to a field (the little blue pencil), the system displays a form instead of allowing online modification of that field. The form displayed is the same as for creating registration fees, and it will scroll to the field you want to modify.

You'll have access to the Edit button and editing options in the menu at the top of the form, offering multiple modification possibilities.

This approach allows us to better control validations and error messages, particularly on pages with intricate business logic.



Training Calendar

Check our training calendar. New sessions are frequently added.

Click here for the training calendar.