Games Certifications

Games Certifications


This documentation is for organizations that have enabled game certification in the Scorekeeping tab of the office settings.

For more information, please consult the documentation Scorekeeping Tabs.




Game notification completed

Once the scoresheet is completed, a notification will be sent automatically to the team staff, game officials, and league administrators.

The league is notified when a game is completed and will receive this type of email. Click on View Game Sheet to display the scoresheet.


Search for games to certify

To certify your games, log on to the Spordle Play website and click Games in the left-hand menu.

To simplify the task and display only the games that need to be certified, you can search for games using the following filters:

  • Game number: if you only have one game to certify, you can enter the game number.

  • Date: you can add a date range allowing you to certify only games that took place during this period.

  • Completed: displays if the game has been completed or not.

  • Certified: allows you to display games that have not yet been certified

  • Show past games: you can activate this box to find games that took place before the current date.


Certified games icon

A flag will be displayed to the right of the games to be certified.


A game flagged with a black check indicates that no items have been added, awarded, or made during this game.




A game flagged with a red exclamation mark indicates that items have been added, awarded, or made during that game. 




List of red-flag items

  • The period and end time of the game must be indicated.

  • Official Attendance


  • Coach entered the results

  • Game did not finish

  • Game notes

Home and Away Team

  • Too many players

  • Not enough players

  • Suspended players

  • Secondary team players

  • Player played that was missing prior to game start

  • Suspended players who played

  • Minor Penalties

  • Major Penalties


Certify games WITHOUT red flags

To certify games in batches, tick the games you wish to certify in the box to the left of the game and then click on Certify at the top right of the page.


A window will be displayed to confirm that you want to certify the selected games. Click on Certify.


Once your games have been certified, a blue Report box will be displayed to the right of the games.

Click on Report to open the scoresheet.


Certify games WITH a red flag

Notification of major penalties

If a major penalty is issued during a game, you will receive an email to notify you.



Click on View Game Sheet to display the scoresheet in PDF format in your browser.


Quick view of items to be certified

You can quickly view the elements that need to be certified for a game with a red flag. To do this, click on the flag icon to open a window showing the elements to be certified for that game.

You can either click on certify if you wish to proceed with certification immediately or close this window and follow the steps below to view the scoresheet in detail.


Scoresheet tab in PLAY

The list of games with missing elements that need to be certified will be displayed with a red flag in the Games menu of Spordle PLAY.

Click on the game line and on the Scoresheet tab to view the details.


At the top of the Scoresheet tab, the system will indicate that the scoresheet has been completed. However, a yellow stripe will appear in the Certified section, indicating that the scoresheet has not been certified.


By clicking on Certify, a window will be displayed showing you the notifications that have taken place during the game.


Edit items to be certified

The scorekeeper and you can edit the game certification by clicking on Disapprove in the top left-hand corner of the green stripe.



A window will be displayed asking you to confirm that you want to disapprove the game. The scorekeeper can then return to the scorekeeping application, or you can make the changes yourself.

Click Continue.


Click on Complete to open the game approval page.


The official, the scorekeeper, and you can then make the necessary changes. Once finished, sign the game approval and click on Approve.


Summary of the game

In the Summary section, you can modify period times and add notes, goals, or penalties if required.

You can also modify goal information by clicking on the pencil to the right of the goal or delete it by clicking on the trash.

A yellow flag indicates a minor penalty, while a red flag indicates a major penalty.

Note: Penalties already assigned cannot be modified.



You can add documents linked to the game. To do so, click on +Add Document in the Document section.


You must then complete the following information:

  • Type of document

    • Lineup

    • Scoresheet

    • Other

  • Enter the name of your document

  • Upload your file

When finished, click Save.


Goalie Shots

If the scorekeeper has added goalie shots, these will be displayed at the bottom of the Scoresheet tab.

If the scorekeeper has not added the goalie's shots, but you have the information, you can add them by clicking on Edit Shots.


A window will be displayed, allowing you to enter the goalie shots for each goalie and each period.


Certify the game

Once all the checks have been done on a game with a red flag, you can proceed with its certification by clicking on Certify in the yellow stripe at the top of the Scoresheet tab.



You can also select all the games to be certified from the list in the Game menu and proceed to certify the games in batches as explained in Certify games WITHOUT red flags.

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