Games page information

Games page information


Four tabs will be available when you select and click on a game.




Summary Tabs

In the Summary tab, you can edit the game, change the status, or forfeit the game.

See the Modify and Delete Game documentation for more information on these functions.


To reset the scoresheet, click on the three small dots at the top right of the page and select Reset Scoresheet.

  • This option can only be used when a game has not yet been certified.

  • Only league managers will have access to reset a scoresheet.

  • Officials' assignments will not be affected, but everything else will be reset as if the game had just been created.

Note: This action is irreversible, so undoing the reset is impossible.


In the box on the right, the following options will be available:

  • Game Report (only when the game is finished)

    • This option allows you to view the scoresheet when the game is finished.

  • Scorekeeping

    • This option gives you access to the scorekeeping application.

  • Assign Officials

    • This option takes you to the Official tab and allows you to see the assignment for the game.

  • Team Lineups

    • This option takes you to the Scoresheet tab and allows you to see the team lineup for the game.

  • Goalie Shots Against (only when the game is finished)

    • This option lets you view the goalie shots when the game is finished.


It is possible to send a message to team staff and game referees to notify them of any changes made to this Game. You have to enter your message and click on Send.


Official Tab

In this tab, you can assign or view the assignment of officials for this game, the transactions, the claims, and the officiating messages.

For more information on the Official tab, please consult the documentation Assignment Procedure.


Scoresheet Tab

In the Scoresheet tab, you can see the game's result, if it's finished, goals, penalties, documents, lineup, and goalie shots.

For more information on the Scoresheet tab, please consult the Team Roster Management and Games Certifications documentation.


Event Tab

The Event tab displays all events related to game creation, game modifications, status changes, official assignments, settings changes, etc.

You can also click on History at the top right of the page to display events in different ways.