Change of Classification
Classification Change Request Search
To approve classification change requests, you must follow the procedure below.
Click on the Tasks menu and select Manage Requests.
Then click on the Classification Change Requests tab.
The list of classification change requests will be displayed with the following information:
Submission date
Requested by (name and email of the user who made the request)
Organization (name of the organization that made the request)
Member (name and number of the member for whom the request is made)
Date of birth (date of birth of the member)
Status: status of the classification change request
Approve Classification Change Request
To approve a classification change request, you have two options:
Individual Approval - Classification Change Requests
Click on a single member to open the right-side panel
The details of the change request will be shown in the side panel
Request Type
Click on Manage Approval
You can view the member's profile by clicking the + to open the quick view.
A window will pop up with the classification change request information. You have the option to Refuse or Approve the request.
If you Refuse the request, you must add a note and click Confirm Refusal.
If you approve the request, click on Confirm Approval.
Your organization will be notified of your response, and if the request has been accepted, the over or under-age status will be indicated in the member profile.
Batch Approval
You can approve requests for classification changes in batches. To do so, click the checkbox on the left at the top of your player list.
You can click Select All to select all pages or Select Current Page.
The right side panel will open; click on Manage Approval.
A window will appear, allowing you to manage the Approval of requests one after the other.
You have the option to select Refuse, Approve or Skip.
After selecting a member's application status, the next member will be displayed.