Game lineup

Game lineup



Search Games

Team staff can manage the team roster of a game and have it approved by the scorekeeper.

To do this, go to the Games tab in the sidebar.


Here, you'll find a list of upcoming games for your team. If you are a staff member for multiple teams, you can use the search filters on the left to view the games you want to see.


Game lineup status

On the right-hand side of each game is a team composition icon.

The alignment of a game will be indicated as Incomplete until the alignment is saved and signed by the coach.

When a staff member saves and signs the lineup, a green tick will appear, indicating it is Complete.


Game Lineup management

To manage the alignment of a game, click on the game alignment icon on the right to open a quick view window.





You can also click on the game and go to the Scoresheet tab.



For this example, we'll use the quick view window.

Lineup requirements

At the bottom of your scoresheet tab, the Lineup Requirements will be displayed. These requirements are defined in the parameters of the parent organizations.


A message indicating the lineup requirements will be displayed if you select too many or too few members.


Start selecting the roster members who will participate in the game. Ensure you meet the roster requirements. Otherwise, you won't be able to sign the roster.


Modify list members

An edit button will be displayed to the right of a member's name when you select it. Click on this button to modify the details of a member in your lineup.


Changes to the team lineup will only apply to this game and will not affect your team roster or other scoresheets.




You can modify the information below for a team player, and only for this game.

  • Jersey number

  • Position

  • Captain status

  • Suspension status



If you modify a Goalie, you can check him off as a Starter Goalie.



For this game, you can modify the information below for a Bench Staff member only.

  • Position

  • Suspension status

Once you have made the desired changes to a team roster, click Update to save the information.


Add suspension manually

You can manually add suspensions in a game's scoresheet tab. By selecting the player, you must click on the pencil, select Other in the Suspension box, and indicate the number of games, i.e., 1 out of X in Current Game and Total Games.




Once you have finished selecting team members and making the necessary changes, click on the Save button. All selections and changes will be saved if you aren't ready to sign the team composition.



Sign the team lineup

After completing the team roster for the game, click on the Sign button at the bottom of the page. If any lineup requirements are not met, you cannot sign it.



Select the signatory (by default, the logged-in team member), then add your signature.


Finally, click Save to sign and approve the lineup for the game.




Note: You can always go back into your lineup and make changes to the team once approved.



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