Member Validation (Passport)
Important: for a member's profile to be validated by ARS, the profile photo must have been added to the member's file, or the photo must not have expired. In addition, the background check must have the status Pending or Completed.
Member profiles whose documents are not valid and approved by the club will not be displayed in the list of members to be validated by the ARS.
Search for a member to validate
To proceed with validating members (passports), you must follow the procedure below.
Click on the Tasks menu and select Manage Requests.
Then click on the Member Type Approval tab.
You can click on your Organization tree to select the club whose member types you wish to approve. If you do not select an organization, all your club applications will be displayed.
You have the option to filter by Member Type:
Bench Staff
You can also filter by Status, such as :
Depending on your selection, the list of players will be displayed with the following information:
Member Information
First and last name
Passport number
Gender identity
Date of birth and age
Picture expiration date, if added
Valid or invalid background checks
Member type
Type status
Member Type Approval
To approve the player type status, you have two options:
Individual status type approval
Click on a single member to open the right-side panel
Click on Manage approval
You can view the member's profile by clicking the + to open the quick view.
A window will appear, allowing you to update the Status of the member type.
Select the Status
You have the option to add a note to your club
Click on Submit
Approval in batch
You can approve the Status of the member type in batch. To do so, click on the checkbox on the left at the top of your player list.
You can select Select All to select all pages or Select Current Page.
The right side panel will open, click on the Action button in the upper right and select Manage Approval.
By clicking on the + next to the number of selected members, you can open the quick profile overview of each member.
A window will appear, allowing you to update the Status of all selected members.
You can click on the arrow to the right of each member to display the member status to be changed.
A window will appear, allowing you to update the Status of the member type.
Select the Status
You have the option to add a note to your club
If you add a note when selecting members in a batch, it will be the same for all selected members.
Click Submit
By default, the display of the number of members per page is 25; you can change this number to 50 or 100 by clicking on the top right of the member list and selecting your choice.
Member Type Validation Information
If a participant has two member types in two different clubs or two different ARS, the types must be validated by each club or ARS.
The member type validation will expire at the end of the season.
ARS can only add notes in the member type approval, but it will be visible to clubs.
The Status of the member type is displayed in the member's profile.