Waiting List
A registration fee waiting list is a mechanism used by clubs or organizations to manage registration requests when a team, program or activity reaches its maximum capacity. Here's how it usually works:
Deferred registration: Interested participants are placed on a waiting list without being immediately integrated into the team or program.
No immediate billing: Registration fees are not charged until a place is confirmed for the participant.
Priority access: If a place becomes available (withdrawal of another participant, increase in capacity, etc.), people on the waiting list are contacted according to their order on the list.
Payment required on activation: Once registration has been confirmed, fees must be paid to validate participation.
This system avoids charging fees to participants who are not yet guaranteed a place in the activity or team.
Important: It is possible to increase the number of places available in your registration fee when you have exceeded the place limit. HOWEVER, all registrations on the waiting list must have been managed. That is, they must have the status Accepted or Cancelled. No registrations on the waiting list should have the status Waiting unless the status is Customer Waiting. An improvement has been made so that the maximum capacity is not exceeded if 2 members join the waiting list at the same time.
Waiting List Management Process
If you have set up your registration fees to allow your members to register on a waiting list. You will find the members in the Tasks menu, then select the Waiting List.
To view the members on a waiting list:
Select the registration fee from the drop-down
Select a waiting list status (optional)
Once you search for your division, a list of waiting list members will be shown.
From the search box, you can enter partial or full to filter the display on the screen.
The following information will appear:
Reference # - the waitlist number and the source will be shown (online or admin)
Added date - the date the member was added to the waitlist
Name - the member’s name and link to their profile
Date of birth - the date of birth of the member
Status - the status of the waitlist - pending, waiting for client, converted or canceled
TIP: it is possible to view the list of members on the waiting list by generating the Waiting List Report. This will save you from selecting one category at a time to view the members on your waiting list.
TIP: An problem was fixed when merging two profiles, one of which is on the waiting list. The system now displays an error message asking the user to first manage the waiting list entry before proceeding with the merge.
To Accept or Cancel a Member on the Waiting List
Click on the member, and a side panel will open to the right.
Click the Action button
Select Accept or Cancel
Note: If the member was Cancelled or is Waiting for client, you have the option to Reset status
When you accept a member, a pop-up window will open to confirm the member's acceptance.
Click on Confirm. This will email the parents, letting them know a spot has opened up for them. The parents can then log into their My Account to complete the transaction.
This is the message the parent will receive by email.
Manual Registration Accepted off Waitlist
A pop-up window is shown when a registration is done manually and accepted off the waitlist.
Click on Manual registration to complete the registration.
Online Registration Accepted off Waitlist
When an online registration is accepted off the waitlist, parents must log onto their My Account. A pop-up message will be displayed.
To accept the spot and continue the registration, click Pay Now
To cancel your spot, click Cancel
Note: If the parent clicks on Cancel, they will be asked to enter a reason for refusing and the MHA will receive an email notifying them of the member’s refusal.
The member's status will change to Waiting for client.
Once the member completes the registration, the status will change to Converted, and you will receive a notification that the registration has been completed.
The registration will be added to the member's profile and your registration report.
If you reject a member from the waiting list, a pop-up window will open, and you must indicate the reason for the cancellation and click on Confirm.
The parent will receive an email indicating the reason for the cancellation.
The status of the member will change to Cancelled.
Batch management of your waiting list
You can batch manage your waiting list.
Select the desired registration fee(s)
Select a participant or select all
A side panel will appear
Press Action
The following options are available, with the number of participants indicated in brackets.
Reset status
A pop-up window will open to allow you to confirm your selection.
Please note that the note entered in the comment will be included in the e-mail sent to the member.
Send a communication via the waiting list
Select one or more participants to whom you wish to send a message.
A side panel opens
In the Action menu, select Send communication
This works in the same way as the communication module.
You can then compose your message and send it.