Maltreatment complaints


The Discrimination Complaint menu is accessible according to your roles and authorizations in HCR.



Entering an Allegation

Allegations records are entered under Tasks / Maltreatment Complaints, then click +Add.

Note: You can also enter a maltreatment complaint from the History Tab on the members profile. Only Users with permission to maltreatment complaints within HCR will have this section visible to them on a member’s profile.


Enter the mandatory information, and click Submit.

  • ITP Reference Number

  • Where did the complaint occur - On ice or Outside of play

  • Incident date

  • Arena / Location

  • Maltreatment type

  • Maltreatment grounds

    • Select All

    • Race, national or ethnic origin, skin colour or language spoken

    • Religion, faith or beliefs

    • Age

    • Sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression

    • Genetic characteristics

    • Disability

  • Add documents (optional)

  • Details


Note: If entering the language used in the discriminatory slur, please use the first letter and *** to indicate the other letters and the last letter but do not enter the actual slur

Enter who is making the complaint - select Complaint reports by an official, Complaint submitted by someone else or Anonymous complaint.


Complaint reports by an official: Enter the first name, last name and email, or HCR number.


Complaint submitted by someone else: Enter the first name, last name and email, role, address (optional) and phone number.


If more than one match is found, select the correct profile, or click No, continue if there is not a match. In this case you will go to the next step.


Anonymous complaint: will take you straight to the next step.

Select if the complaint is against an individual or against a team.

Individual: Enter the first and last name and their role (player, bench staff/coach, parent, official or other) or enter their HCR# and click Next.

Select the profile from the matches found, or click Previous to go back and edit the information.

Note: If no profile is found for the individual, a new member will need to be added to the system. Click here for the new member user guide.

Enter their team - you may leave blank if this does not apply to your maltreatment complaint. If you have an additional individual to add to the complaint, click Add. Once all the individuals are added, click Next.


Team: Enter the branch, the organization, and the team, then click Next.


The final step in creating a maltreatment complaint is to click Confirm. If you need to review or make changes, you can click on Previous.


The maltreatment file has been successfully created, and you can add the outcomes or suspensions now by clicking +Add and the complaint will be added to the home page display.

By clicking Close without adding an outcome or suspension, a box will be added to the top of the Maltreatment page as a reminder that outcomes or suspensions need to be added.


To Add an Outcome: From the dropdown, select the outcome, the status of the outcome, due date and add comments (optional). When adding outcomes, the comments box can be used for additional details. example: adding what courses they need to take for the Education outcome

By adding a due date to an outcome, a notification will be sent to the branch office when an outcomes date is missed. The branch will be responsible for contacting the individuals that the outcomes are applied to.


  • Verbal or written warning

  • Education

  • Probation

  • suspension *causes a suspension

  • Eligibility Restrictions

  • Permanent ineligibility

  • Other discretionary sanctions

  • Unsubstantiated


Adding a Suspension as an outcome:

When adding a suspension to an individual or team, click Add Outcomes, select Suspension, add your comments, then click Create.

When adding the suspension to an individual, the suspension details can be entered on this page and added to the member’s profile.


To Add a Suspension for a Team:

When adding suspensions to a complaint entered as a team, open the side panel, click the Action button, then select Add Suspension. From the dropdown, select the player(s), or select all if the suspension is for the full team, then continue filling in the details for the suspension.


Maltreatment Complaints Dashboard: From the Maltreatment home page, a list of complaints that have been entered will be shown. You can search by number or filter by complaint status or outcomes.

  • #: The Maltreatment file number

  • Incident Date: The date of the incident

  • Submitted by: The name of the person (or anonymous) that submitted the complaint

  • Complaint Against: The member(s) or team will be displayed

  • Maltreatment Ground(s): A list of the category of complaints

  • Outcomes: A list of the outcomes taken

  • Status: The status of the complaint


To Edit a Complaint: From the side panel, you can click on the three tabs - Info, People involved, and Details. Click on the blue pencil to edit.


To Update a Complaint:

Click on the line item of the complaint you wish to update, opening the side panel. From the Action button, you can Update Status, Add Suspension, Add Outcome, or Delete Complaint.

To Update the Status of a Complaint: choose between open, outcome applied - outcomes complete.

Open (yellow): The complaint is open with either decision or outcome pending.

Outcome Applied (blue): The investigation is complete, and outcomes are pending

Outcomes Complete (green): The investigation and outcomes are complete


To Update the Status of an Outcome: From the side panel, click on the Outcomes tab. Click on the blue pencil.

Next, change the status to Complete, and click Edit.

The Status of the complaint will change to Complete. If additional edits or updates need to be made to the complaint, click cancel to keep the status as outcomes applied. If the complaint can be closed, click on Update Status to change the status to Outcomes Complete.

Members Profile: From the History tab of a members profile, the maltreatment complaints and suspension will update to reflect the incidents added in the Tasks/Maltreatment menu.

To add a Maltreatment Complaint from the members profile, click on + Add and follow the steps from above.


Details & Attachments

  • When entering information for a suspension or allegation in the details section or as an attachment, we ask you to use an asterisk (*) and not write in the whole slur.

  • For example, if we used the word Gold, you would enter it as G**d instead of writing in the complete discriminatory slur used.

  • For attachments, upload the documents that you believe are relevant for Hockey Canada to review and provide context for reporting or important to the process you use as a member, league or association.

  • We strongly suggest you save documentation regarding complaints and suspensions within your systems and do not rely on the Hockey Canada Registry as the depository for these types of documents.



Reports are located in the top menu, and you can find separate reports for suspensions and maltreatment complaints. Click here for the user guide for reports.