Potential Member Duplicates


Please note: To prevent the creation of duplicates, when registering a new member, the system will check whether the first name, surname, and date of birth match those of an existing member. If a duplicate is detected, the system will display an error message inviting the member to contact your organization to access the profile or create a new one.


Note: this is how the system works:

You can only view and merge profiles that are in your MHA.

If you wish to merge a profile with that of an MHA in the same region, you must ask your regional registrar.

If the profiles to be merged are not in the same region, you must contact your branch.

A branch can merge members who do not come from the same branch.


In the Tasks menu, you have an option entitled Potential member duplicates. A search engine detects potential duplicates when a new profile is created. If the system detects a potential duplicate, it will automatically flag the profiles.


Potential Member Duplicates Dashboard: From the home page, the list contains all the profiles identified by the system. You can search by date, organization, member or birth date. You can also sort using the directional arrows located in each of the columns.

  • Last Submitted: The date the system detected there was a duplicate

  • Organization: The organization the member is primary to

  • Member: The name of the participant, includes the gender, status of the member, HCR # and a quick view option

  • Date of birth: The date of birth for the participant

  • Duplicates: A number of duplicate profiles for review


By selecting a member, the side panel will open to your right, and you'll see one of two statuses:

  • Exact match: first name, last name, and date of birth are identical.

    Partial match: first and last names look the same, and the date of birth is identical.

The Action button's Manage menu lets you perform the following actions:

First, you can use the quick view to review the profiles to determine if the profiles should be merged, or if you need to keep the profiles.

Next, select a profile that you want to Keep.


Next, click on Merge if you want to save only the profile that you selected to Keep. Click on Ignore, if you want to remove the the flag between the profile you are keeping.


A notification will also appear in the member's profile, advising you that this is a potentially duplicate member.