Additional roles

Here is the list and the description of the additional roles

Role name


Role name


Address management

Allow to create/edit/update/delete the address of a member

Background check management

Add / Edit Background check record

Certification management

Allow changing the certification on a member profile without registering or changing a clinic.

Change team category

Allow the user to change the category of a team after the team is created. The roster needs to be empty.

Change Team Category when players are rostered

Allow changing the Team Category when players are rostered.

Clinic waiting list

Allow to manage the wailing list on the clinic and approve members on the waiting list.

Contact management

Allow to create/edit/update/delete the contact of a member

Import player management

Ability to change the status of the Import player on a roster.

League Management

Allo to Create / edit / update the League.

Manage Users

Allow to create/edit/update/delete users in an organization.

Overwrite Lock Date

Allow changing the roster even if the locked date is passed.

Registration waiting list

Allow to manage the waiting list on registration and approve players on the waiting list.

Release Affiliate

Allow releasing affiliate players on a team.

Rostering bypasses the HCR number.

Additional role in allowing registrars to bypass team restrictions with HCR #.

Suspension management

Allow add/edit/delete of suspension in a member profile.

Team release management

Allow releasing a player.

Team restriction management

Allow managing the team restriction.

Travel permit approbation

Allow approving a travel permit.

Travel permit creation

Allow to create/edit/update travel permit

Zone management

Allow to develop / edit / update the zone.