Assignment management

Assignment management


As an official, you can see all the games you have been assigned to or requested to be assigned.

Each game's details and check your assignment's status assignment in the Profile menu in Spordle PLAY.

To see your games, click on Profile and then on the Schedule tab at the top of the page.


  • The games that you have accepted the assignment for will be indicated with a green check mark to the right of the game.

  • The games you have not yet responded to will be shown with an exclamation point.

  • The games you have declined will be identified with a red sign.


  • To accept a game, click on the clipboard icon to the right of the game with an exclamation point.

  • A window will appear with the details of the game, including the date, time, and field. The organization that assigned the game to you will also be listed.

At the bottom right of the page, you can either Decline or Accept this assignment.


If you refuse the assignment, a window will appear, and two options will be displayed to you:

  • Refuse this assignment since I am unavailable

  • Refuse this assignment, but remain available

You must indicate the reason for your refusal.

Click on Decline.


If you accept this assignment, a window will appear asking you to confirm your assignment. Click on Accept.

  • You have the option to add a note; this is optional.


You will also receive your assignments by email. You can view the assignment by clicking on View Assignment.

However, this option only allows you to see the assignment for the game indicated in your email.

Whereas in the Profile menu, you have an overview of your assignments. All games assigned to you will be displayed, whether you have accepted them or are still pending acceptance.

If only the status of a game is changed, your status will remain unchanged and will stay at confirmed. However, if the start or finish time, or the playing surface is changed, your status will also be updated, and you will need to reconfirm your assignment.



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