DECEMBER 16, 2024

DECEMBER 16, 2024

Here’s the latest releases and updates from the Spordle PLAY platform :

Feature Updates

  1. Turn Off “ENFORCE-SCHEDULE-OFFICE” Feature Flag for Soccer and Baseball

    • The feature flag enforcing schedule creation only in game-type offices (Leagues, Tournaments, etc.) has been turned off for Soccer and Baseball.

    • Users can now create schedules at any office level, including associations, to standardize scheduling workflows across tenants.

  2. Turn On “SCHEDULE-MENU” Feature Flag for Soccer and Baseball

    • The Schedules tab, previously available only for Hockey, is now enabled for Soccer and Baseball.

    • This provides a clear entry point for schedule management and aligns workflows across sports.


  1. Sub Offices Card

    • The "Offices" and "Leagues" cards under non-game offices are now merged into a single "Sub Offices" card.

    • This card includes all child offices with a type filter for easier navigation.




  1. Office Logos

    • Office logos are now displayed in office lists, including the new "Sub Offices" card and the main offices list.




  1. Sync Icons

    • Sync icons now appear across the system, indicating records synced from Spordle ID with a tooltip explanation.

  2. Standardized Schedule and Office Settings Forms

    • Schedule settings forms now mirror office settings forms for consistency.

    • Tabs updated to: Scheduling, Scoresheet, Team Stats, Player Stats, and Advanced.

    • The "Advanced" tab is now restricted to internal users and visually marked in purple.

  3. Scores Displayed in Game Lists

    • Scores of completed games are now visible in game lists.




  1. Renaming for Clarity

    • "Sequences" renamed to "Game Number Sequences".

    • "Drafts" renamed to "Draft Games".

    • "Schedule" cards renamed to "Scheduled Events".

  2. New Tabs in Schedules

    • Standings Tab: Displays team standings sorted by rank.

    • Stats Tab: Displays player stats sorted by rank.




  1. Helper Text for Assignment Settings

    • Added helper text to clarify the impact of changing assignment statuses, such as removing officials from draft games.




Bug Fixes

  1. Game Times in Reports

    • Fixed an issue where game times in the Office Assignments report were always displayed in PST. Times now reflect the game’s timezone.

  2. Game Misconduct Offset

    • Resolved an issue causing Game Misconduct penalties to have an incorrect offset.

  3. Notification Sources by Season

    • Notifications are now filtered by the season being viewed, ensuring users only see relevant notifications for the current season.

These updates enhance scheduling flexibility, improve UI consistency, and address key user pain points across the platform.

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