MAY 2024

MAY 2024




Changes to the Scheduler

  • Filters added for the Season view in a league.

  • Corrections to the validation of game times and time slots for conflict detection.

  • Correction to the publication of drafts which indicated "Permission refused".

  • Deactivation of the global publication of all schedules at the same time for a league. This was causing huge problems for the system. Publication at timetable level only will be possible (5 May 2024).La vue saison démontreras seulement les 30 premiers jours lors de l’ouverture de la vue.

  • The month view now only downloads the time slots for the month you are watching. This greatly improves the speed of downloading games, practices, tournaments and time slots.

  • Fixed the fact that the Scheduler view could make several calls to the system at the same time.

  • Fixed the problem of not being able to place a game in a specific time slot.

  • Fixed the fact that selecting a time slot would completely give another time slot that was not selected.

  • Deactivation of the default display of the visiting team's time slots.

  • Leagues and schedules that have been synchronised by ID will no longer be able to add teams manually (Baseball). To add a new team to your schedule, please use Spordle ID.

  • Fixed that the module for creating a draft game individually was causing an error and closing the page.

  • New function to activate game change requests for teams and associations/clubs.
    To use this function, as a league or team, simply go to the game to be rescheduled and click on REQUEST A CHANGE. In the form, choose the new date (if necessary), time (if necessary) and venue (if necessary). Also, the reason for the request will be required to activate the change.

    Following your request, the league will decide who must approve the change. For the league, the configuration can be found in your schedule and/or league settings. Once in your settings, go to the SCHEDULING tab and activate SCHEDULE CHANGE REQUESTS. Then choose who must approve the change before it is applied.

    Once all approvers have approved the change, the game will automatically be rescheduled to the new date. All required approvers will receive an email stating that their approval is required.

  • Fixed the fact that changing a comment on a game didn’t update if the game status didn’t change.

Changes to the game sheet

  • Soccer line-up validation is only available after the end of a previous game. If two games are played on the same day, it will be possible to print both line-ups at the start of the day. This restriction also doesn't apply to tournaments. It will still be possible to print your complete line-up using the new PRINT button. (Soccer)

  • Soccer's 2023 playoff suspensions will now be able to affect the first games of the regular season. (Soccer)

  • New member validation function (Soccer) - This now validates all conditions in Spordle ID before allowing a player to be added to a game line-up. If a player is invalid, he will be highlighted in red and unavailable for selection.

  • The game sheets (REPORTS) now reflect the correct scoring methods (simple, detailed) and these are now different for each sport. In Baseball, it will now be possible to see the innings pitched and the number of pitches for tournaments. In Soccer, the penalty terms will now be cards.

  • The game sheet reports have been translated into French.

  • Correction to Hockey head contact expulsions.


Other changes and improvements

  • Added interaction on officials' names (Web version - simply put your cursor on the official's name) and directly on the official's name (Mobile) to see the officials' contacts if they need to contact each other. If no address is displayed, the official must enter it in their profile, in the contact details section.

    Version WEB
    Version Mobile

  • Added a notification when an official is assigned, so you can see whether he or she is assigned during the same day.

  • A notification appears at the top of the application telling you that you are not using the latest version of Spordle PLAY. Click on the refresh button and it will download automatically.

  • Translation of infringements and penalties into French added.

  • Added CREATE PRACTICE permission for the Association role

  • It is now possible for an official to automatically claim transport using his address. The procedure will calculate directly from the selected address to the field. If no address is selected, you can always enter the distance by hand. Simply go to Claim, select your address and that's it!

Changes on 30 May

Lists of officials in your office

These are now dedicated and accessible only by the office directly. If, as a Region or ARS, you had associations or clubs with several lists of officials, these will no longer be visible on your side. This has an impact on the view in your office - assignment tab and also when assigning officials, if you use the filters.

Correction to the validation of line-ups with invalid and suspended members (Soccer)

When a player or coach was suspended and disabled in their club, this caused the team's roster to be invalid and impossible to fill in and save..

Own goal" application corrected

The goals will now apply to the correct team. If team A is up against team B and you score an own goal for team A, the score and the goal will go to team B +1.

Visibility of the latest update of officials' availability

The last date on which your availability was updated is now shown in your calendar (by day)



New suspensions module (leagues and tournaments)

It is now possible to modify suspensions directly in your organisation. A new suspension module allows you to click on the suspension of a player or coach, view the new page, edit the status or make changes. Note that all automatic suspensions will have all fields blocked by default, except for the status.

  • Go to your league/tournament -

  • Open the suspension card -

  • Click on a suspension -

  • Here's the new module!


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