



Display game notifications in the scorekeeping (Hockey)

When you finish the game in the scorekeeping application and certification is required and activated, the game notifications are displayed in the window before submitting the scoresheet.

When certification is disabled, notifications are still displayed and can be viewed on the scoresheet tab.


Defer conflict detection in drafts (Hockey)

New office setting to defer conflict detection until drafts are published.

Conflicts will always be displayed in the game list but not immediately applied when this option is enabled.


Improved team names when downloading the schedule (All Sports)

When downloading a schedule from a file, team name matching is improved to better match team names.

Example: Previously, if you had entered Vancouver MHA in your file, the system selected North Vancouver MHA because it chose teams alphabetically. Now, the system is more precise and recognizes that it should select Vancouver MHA instead of North Vancouver MHA and West Vancouver MHA.


Cancel requests if the official is already assigned to another game (All Sports)

When an official requests multiple overlapping games, the assignment window detects this and ignores the request if the official is already assigned to an overlapping game.

This prevents assigners from thinking that an official requesting this game is available when assigned to another game.


Notifications when assigning an official from an affiliated team (Hockey)

Notification updated to specify that an official is registered with a team or affiliated to a team simultaneously with the assignment.

A yellow instead of red warning message will be displayed on the assignment page when an official is affiliated with a team.


Default status in bulk assign settings (All Sports)

When you check Status in your games' Set Assigning Settings batch action, Active Status is automatically selected.


Constraints on the league's page (All Sports)

The Constraints tab has been added to the leagues page. Previously, constraints were only accessible to the office.


List of duplicate officials (All Sports)

Adding an official to your office's list will no longer display duplicates.


Games number in Games menu filters (all sports)

A correction has been made when entering game numbers in the Games menu filter.


Add suspension manually (Hockey)

It is now possible to manually add suspensions in a game's scoresheet tab. By selecting the player, you must click on the pencil, select Other in the Suspension box, and indicate the number of games, i.e., 1 out of X in Current Game and Total Games.



"Too many players" notification (Hockey)

Correction of the Too many players notification activated incorrectly due to extra players.


Major penalty display (Hockey)

Major penalties are now displayed in the active penalties of the scoresheet application since they are timed infractions.


Added description of Set Game Status batch change (All Sports)

When the Set Game Statut batch change action is selected, a description has been added to clarify that this is a programming action and not an assignment action.


Coaches' penalties (Hockey)

The system now allows penalties assigned to a coach to be served by a bench penalty to a player.


Time formats in notifications (All Sports)

When displaying a time slot in notifications, a correction has been made to the 12 h and 24 h time formats.


Groups in administrative roles (All Sports)

In members' administrative roles, the group is no longer filtered by category. It is now possible to delete the group field, regardless of category.


Contacts in exhibition games (All Sports)

When the setting to display contacts on the schedule page is activated, contacts are displayed in the exhibition game schedules.


Games numbers in manual draft (All Sports)

A correction has been made to draft game numbers. When a game is added manually, the assigned game numbers will take account of those already in use.


Team sort build option on BCEHL website (Hockey)

The BCEHL website now sorts rosters by points.


Optimize assignment updates (All sports)

It is now possible to assign multiple officials to a game and confirm the assignment of each of them without the page refresh erasing the other assignments.

For example, you can assign referee #1, referee #2, and when you click on Assign for referee #1, the page refresh will not erase referee #2's name.


Add a temporary official (Hockey)

If you add a volunteer official to the scoresheet application, the term Add a temporary official has been changed to Volunteer.


In the game Official tab, the term ad hoc has been replaced by a volunteer.


Periods in the scoresheet

The period window now appears when you click on Start Game. This change makes it easier to keep track of good period times.


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