Search filter
The search filters in the Match menu have been improved. The following filters have been added to the left-hand menu:
Schedule office
Team Office
Add filter (in blue): allows you to select the following filters:
Home Team Office
Away Team Office
Field Office
A new option now lets you delete your search filters, so you can start a new search without deleting your filters one after the other.
Click on Clear Filters to reset all your filters.
The status Appealed and Cancelled have been added when adding a suspension to a match.
Click + Suspension in the Suspension box and select the status.
Appealed: the suspension status is pending until a decision is made.
Canceled: the Suspension is canceled
Transaction amount entry is now corrected to allow only two decimal places to be entered.
The display of transaction and pay period pages has been improved, and a message now explains a pay period's open and closed status.
System Message
A system message will notify users of critical alerts, such as news, updates, problems, or other notices.
The alerts will be displayed at the top of the Spordle Play page, may be of different colors, and contain a title or link.
Forfeit match
The display of forfeited matches on a cell phone is now full-screen.
Qualifications with an indefinite duration are now displayed in a participant's profile.