Cumulative suspensions (Soccer, Baseball)
A correction has been made to accumulating suspensions so that if the games are not entered in order, the suspension will still be indicated correctly.
Example: three yellow cards are entered as A, B, and then C would indicate a suspension for game C, but if the order in which the games were entered was A-C-B, the suspension would not be displayed for game C. Suspension management has therefore been corrected to indicate correctly that the suspension must be in-game C.
This may affect previous suspensions in the league/season, as updating a game will ensure automatic suspensions for penalized players are correct for all games in the league.
Export penalties (All Sports)
An Export button has been added to the penalties section of the schedules and the organizations.
Transactions filtered by season (All Sports)
A correction has been made to pay periods: it is no longer possible to add a game from the previous season to a pay period in the current season. Games and pay periods must, therefore, be in the same season.
Manage TBA teams in iCal export (All Sports)
Games with TBA teams are now displayed in the calendar exported by officials.
Report for uncertified games (All Sports)
A report showing a list of all games that have not yet been certified has been added.
Click on the Report menu and select the Uncertified Games report and your Office. Schedule Type, Schedule, and Category are optional.
The following two reports will be displayed one below the other:
Uncertified Games - Detailed
Uncertified Games - Categories
By clicking on the three small dots to the right of each report, you can export it by clicking on Download results.
Three download options are available