OCTOBER 21, 2024

OCTOBER 21, 2024

Here’s the latest releases and updates from the Spordle PLAY platform :


Display of HCRId for Assigners and Officials in Game Summary Card

  • Our team working in an issue where officials with scorekeeper or assigner roles were unable to access the scorekeeping app directly from the game page in Spordle PLAY. Right now, they had to log out and sign back in as a scorekeeper. To streamline this process, the HCRId of the home team is now displayed directly in the Game Summary Card. This feature is specifically for Hockey.

Addition of HCRId in Upcoming Assignments for Hockey Scorekeepers

  • Similar to the above issue, officials with scorekeeper or assigner roles had difficulties accessing the scorekeeping app through the game page. To assist, the HCRId of the home team is now included in the Upcoming Assignments email notification for Hockey Scorekeepers, making access to the scorekeeping app more efficient.

Forethought Integration in Play Platform

  • The Forethought help bubble has been integrated into the Play platform to enhance user support and provide assistance. Please note that this integration does not apply to the scorekeeping app for Hockey.

New Official Position: "Video Judge"

  • A new official role, "Video Judge," has been added to the system for Hockey. This change aligns with the 4-person system now being implemented, which includes Scorekeepers, Video Judges, and Supervisors. The addition of the Video Goal Judge role is a requirement set by the LHJMQ.

Lineup Sheet Report Issue Resolved

  • An issue in Soccer where the lineup sheet report failed to load if the opposing team was listed as TBD has been fixed. This was particularly problematic in tournaments, but the problem has now been resolved, ensuring smooth report generation in all cases.