DECEMBER 2, 2024

DECEMBER 2, 2024

Here’s the latest releases and updates from the Spordle PLAY platform :


Helper Messages for Assigning Systems and Assigner Determination

  • Added a helper icon to the “Assign via” option when creating assigner determination rules, explaining the functionality.

    • Updated messaging on the game’s Officials card in the Settings section to clarify why a game has or does not have an assigning system or assigner.

Adjust Automatic Suspension Message in Edit Form

  • Updated the banner message for additional games on suspensions:

    "This suspension has been automatically assessed by a sanction rule and cannot be modified. Supplemental games can be added by the discipline committee or by creating a new suspension for the same participant and game."

Display Automatic vs. Manual Suspensions

  • Suspension cards now indicate whether a suspension is Manual (Supplemental) or Automatic, along with the name of the sanction rule that generated it.

New Game Flag: "Suspension(s)"

  • Introduced a new game flag called “Suspension(s)”, replacing the outdated “Minor Penalties” and “Yellow Cards” flags.

    • The “Serving” flag has been renamed to “Suspended Members Serving.”

Bug Fixes

Error on Game Missing Home or Away Team

  • Issue: The scorekeeping app displayed an incorrect error message ("Incorrect home team ID") when a game was missing a home or away team.

    • Fix: The error message now correctly states, "Missing a home or away team on the game."

Officials Removed After Changing Game Date/Time

  • Issue: Changing the date or time of a game removed officials and made the game unavailable for assignment.

    • Fix: Assigning determination is now only re-triggered if changes are made to the arena, home team, category, or schedule.

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