November 22, 2022

New Features

Travel permit report

A travel permit report is now available to allow the extract of all travel permit in a branch or on a specific organization.

Waiting list report

A new waiting list report is now available in the platform. The report allows you to extract the list of persons that are on a waiting for a specific registration package or a clinic.


Updates and Improvements

Team deficiency report

The report was improved to include the shared participants, and participants included in zones.

Qualification deficiency report

The report was improved to include the shared participants, and participants included in zones.

Duplicate participant report

Duplicate participant report is now available. This report will list the potential duplicates inside an MHA, Region or Branch. From there a quick view access allow you to consult the member profile and decide if you want to merge or not.

Participant report

A new version of the participant report is now released and include more data. We now display contact information and teams information in the report.

Release player approval

We have reviewed the process when approving a released player. The system will now allow you to approve a release player even if there is deficiency on that player. In the past, you were blocked.

Override Approve and Cancel transfer

We have added a permission so now the branch super user and the branch admin can override a transfer request at any step, given that the transfer was started by an organization in the branch tree of the user. This will allow you to cancel any transfer that were started by one of your organization no matter the current step of the transfer.

Injured player rules

We have updated the count rule to follow this: Refer to HC Regulation E10. When changing status of player to injured, does not change number of players on active roster. Injured players do not count, this is required for December 1st cut-down.

Shared expiration date on transfer form

The shared expiration date is now available in all the cases when you request a share. In some situation the field was not displayed.

Display of a flag in the team list

The team list page now include a deficiency column. This flag will appear for any team that have at least a participant flagged as Pending Deficient.

Changing category on a team

Branch admin now have access to change the category of a team even if players are already on the team. This is done from the team information tab in a team.

Training Calendar

Check out our training calendar—new sessions are being added all the time—click here for the training calendar.

You can also request a training session—click here to request a training session.

What’s Coming Soon?

  • Reports updates